- It's the "dog days of winter" (january in north carolina) and it needs to warm up
- Five days and counting with pretty darn painful back spasms after a stupid fall from a stupid way of doing a maintenance project of mine.
- This time "four years ago" i was predicting that Biden would mention "globanomics" in his inaugural speech; four-years later and "globanomics" still cannot pass Talkmarkets' spellchecker without making it upset.
- Oh, and we are anointing Scumbag "el trumpo" again to lead our "crumbling nation" back to its real glorious years (i.e., 1950s?, 1960s?, 1970s?, 1980s?, when?). I guess i will have to ask all those "young voters" who voted for "el trumpo" to get the answer to that question. They seem to know so much about history (since 2010 that is, and even then the history they have learned is befuddled beyond imagination).
- Two rejections from book publishers for The Road to Enlightenment with three more "outstanding" of which it is about a fifty-fifty bet that i will even hear back from any of the three. And it is about a one to one-hundred chance anyone will want it.
- The Road to Enlightenment is like Globanomics all over again. A self-publishing author just gets no breaks.
- While we are grumbling. Let me ask you this. Have you tried to open a package, or a container, or a fucking bottle recently? Sometimes i think i am going to have to get some "heavy equipment" in to help open half the shit i get anymore. Yeah, i know that i am old, 77, but i am still 6 foot tall and 180 pounds, i ought to be able to open up a liquor bottle for goodness sake. Not anymore, now i have to use plyers.
- America after January 20, 2025. Thank all you patriotic citizens that gave us a leader who can finally take us all to "the promised land" called Mari Lago. When you get invited to Mari Lago, you know that you have made it all the way to "the Big Time". History books will call it the Fourth and Final Reich. Hundred foot tall Golden statues will be made of the Great Leader who created this magnificent country that we will soon learn to call the United States of el Trumpo Family
I think that is probably enough grumbling for the time being. If i keep going i might get depressed.