Charlie Bilello | TalkMarkets | Page 13
Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors
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Charles Bilello, is the Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors. Sharing ideas that compound over time. Prior to that, Mr. Bilello was the Director of Research at Pension Partners, where is he was responsible for strategy development, investment research and communicating the firm’s ...more


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Fat Tails And Expecting The Unexpected
Given enough time, the market will make a fool out of anyone basing their expectations for the future on a normal distribution.
Valuation, Timing, And A Range Of Outcomes
Stocks are undervalued. Stocks are overvalued. These are two of the most common sayings on financial TV. What value do they provide to the average investor?
There Is No Impossible In Markets
If someone said five years ago that we’d be looking at negative yields across most of the developed world, they would have been laughed out of the room. None of this was expected or predictable. And yet, here we are.
Crude Oil, King Dollar, And Explaining Noise
Crude Oil is at its highest level since last July. Meanwhile, the U.S. Dollar Index is not far from its lowest level since early 2015. Looking at the chart below, they seem to be polar opposites in recent years.
False Precision
Investing is not physics. Not even close. There is no precise formula or indicator that can solve the mystery of markets.
The Market Neutral Fantasy
Fantasy may be a necessary ingredient in living, but in choosing investments it can be perilous.
Winners Average Losers
Paul Tudor Jones is one of the greatest traders of our time. So when he says don’t average losers (don’t add to a losing position) you should listen, right? Wrong.
What Is Gold?
The truth is that Gold cannot be simply defined as a currency, commodity, inflation hedge or safe haven. At various times it has been some/all of these things and at other times none of these things.
The 3 Most Important Words In Investing
These three words, almost never uttered in this business, are far and away the most critical to long-term investment success.
The Volatility Cycle
How many investors, particularly towards the end of this period, would have stuck with low volatility stocks and avoided the temptation to chase high beta? Not many.
Beta Rotation And The Tale Of Two Markets In 2016
It’s been a tale of two markets thus far in 2016. After the worst start to a year in history for the S&P 500, we have seen one of the most dramatic reversals of all time.
The Deflation Myth
Central bankers around the world can’t seem to get enough of the D word. Deflation is rampant and needs to be purged, they say, justifying rate cuts and even negative interest rates.
The Longest Downtrend In Crude Oil History Is Over
The longest downtrend in history for Crude Oil is officially over. It began in late July 2014 when Oil first dipped below its 200-day moving average at a price of $98.
The Black Swan Siren Song
There are few things more alluring in the investment world than the thought of predicting and profiting from the next black swan.
Overbought, Oversold, And The Great Paradox In Markets
There’s not a day that goes by without a pundit using one of these powerful words to support an existing bias. Most interesting, some pundits use the term "overbought" to further a bullish outlook while others use it to justify a bearish outlook.
Chasing Momentum
Momentum in Small Caps appears to have been more consistent, outperforming in roughly 75/82% of rolling 1/3-year periods. This is very high, even among anomalies, but still leaves investors with periods of underperformance.
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