Charlie Bilello | TalkMarkets | Page 12
Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors
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Charles Bilello, is the Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors. Sharing ideas that compound over time. Prior to that, Mr. Bilello was the Director of Research at Pension Partners, where is he was responsible for strategy development, investment research and communicating the firm’s ...more


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Following Gurus Is Not A Strategy
One of the most prominent investing gurus of our time held a widely-publicized conference call. On the call he stated unequivocally that that U.S. equities have never rallied seven years in a row.
Should Equity Investors Fear Rising Rates?
Rising rates are bad for stocks – fact or fiction?
Martingales And Markets
Regardless of whether the stock market is a martingale or a non-random process, one truth remains: if you can’t stick with a plan/strategy for a time period long enough to put the odds of success in your favor, you are not investing but gambling.
Embracing Panic
The stock market was down today. That fact alone is not at all unusual. What was somewhat unusual is the aggressiveness of the selling in today’s session, what some would refer to as “panic selling.”
What Happens When Financials Lag?
What happens in markets when Financials are the worst performing sector? Entering 2016, nothing particularly good.
Big Winners And Big Drawdowns
When it comes to big winners in the stock market, adversity and large drawdowns probably aren’t the first words that comes to mind. We tend to put the final outcome on a pedestal and ignore the grit and moxie required to achieve that outcome.
Financials, Interest Rates, And Coin Flips
Long-term interest rates have fallen sharply in 2016, the yield curve has flattened, and Financials are the worst performing sector in the S&P 500.
Presidents, CAPE Ratios, And Stock Market Returns
While presidents are often credited or blamed for stock market performance, the truth is that their policies (good or bad) have little to nothing to do with short-term stock market returns.
Politics And Your Portfolio
The election is coming and investors are scared. They don’t know how the election will turn out and many are assuming the worst. That fear is leading some to irrational decisions like making changes to their investment portfolio.
Trading Earnings Through The Rearview Mirror
The lesson for investors is clear. Earnings only tell you what has happened, not what will happen. Investing, of course, is all about what will happen.
The Slope Of False Hope
This year, the simple 200-day moving average has worked better. Last year, the slope worked better as it the year before that. In 2013 they performance exactly the same as neither had a sell signal.
Never Short A Dull Market?
The stock market has become unquestionably dull in recent days. Volumes are down and volatility, as measured by the VIX​ Index, has plummeted.
When Active Managers Go All-In
Active Managers, as measured by NAAIM, have increased their exposure to U.S. equities to 96.5%. This is quite high, in the 98th percentile of historical readings dating back to July 2006.
The Call Heard Round The World
In the field of market punditry, you hear a lot of extreme calls, for it is the extreme that gets the most attention in this business. But the call made by RBS on January 11 of this year was one for the ages.
Volume And The Big Lie
Pundits absolutely love using volume in support of a call. “Volume should go up when the market goes up and down when the market goes down,” they say. Simple. Actual analysis supporting such statements? Nonexistent.
Canceling Signals
What happens when the most important price in free markets – interest rates – are manipulated by central banks throughout the world?
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