Bob Lang | TalkMarkets | Page 16
Private Trader in Equity and Option Markets at Aztec Capital LLC.
Contributor's Links: Explosive Options
Through Explosive Options, Lang acts as an options trading mentor, providing trade ideas based on what he’s doing for his own clients. His focus is on building strong, long-term relationships with his subscribers and making options trading for income more accessible. Using his technical ...more

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SPX 500 Chart Signals Some Downside Is Coming
While the markets have been living the good life for the better part of three months, it appears some downside is coming. The more time I spend with the SPX 500 chart, the more I think that something is brewing under the surface.
Shopify Caters To Stock Buyers, Too
It’s hard to find a stronger chart than Shopify right now. This name has ripped higher off the March lows – it’s up 180% – and is up nicely for the entire year.
Why The Stock Market Predicts Economic Data Will Improve
When you compare the current stock market performance to economic data, you see a major disconnect. Indices are up sharply since the March bottom, even though the unemployment, hospitality sales and retail sales data have been awful.
How Long Will This Stock Market Trend Last?
After the dark days in March when indices were battered, the current stock market trend is a huge relief (to the bulls, anyway).
We Are In A Bear Market According To The Charts
You may have suspected it, so I’m going to confirm it: we are in a bear market.
This Is Why The Stock Market Rises On Bad News
The wall of worry is up, traders and investors are nervous and yet the stock market rises on bad news. You might be wondering what on earth is going on, and you are not alone.
Tradeweb Blasts Higher And Moves Ahead Of The Pack
Only a small handful of stocks are hitting new all-time highs, and Tradeweb is one of them. It has moved up sharply on some impressive turnover.
These Companies Will Survive The Pandemic
While the economic impact of the coronavirus has become devastating, it’s important to remember that companies will survive the pandemic – some better than others.
Volatility In The Age Of Coronavirus: Beware The Sky-High VIX Readings
Higher volatility leads to higher prices for options, both calls and puts. Index puts, which I often urge you to buy to protect your portfolio from volatility, are expensive right now.
It’s Time To Pause Your Trading Strategy
The future is incredibly uncertain right now, and the markets are grappling with it. Will the markets correct next week or next month? We just don’t know. When that is the case, it’s best to just sit on your hands.
Higher Volatility Is Here – Here’s Why I’m Embracing It
Higher volatility has left traders and investors on edge. Big money is moving fast in today’s environment.
Adobe Shifts Into A Higher Gear
When stocks came off their sugar high recently, so did Adobe. However, the stock only dropped about 20%, putting it just above the reliable 100ma.
Markets Caught The Coronavirus, And Fear Has Taken Hold
Just two weeks ago, stocks were hitting all-time highs. Last week, markets caught the coronavirus. Unfortunately, once fear takes hold, it spreads quickly – much like the virus itself.
How Will A Coronavirus Pandemic Affect The Markets?
Over the weekend, news broke that we could be facing a coronavirus pandemic. As we all know, the markets hate uncertainty – so what does that mean for us traders?
Alphabet Flexes Its Muscle Through All-Time Highs
After Alphabet reported monster earnings for Q4, the hot money stepped aside in a hurry. The stock fell 53 points the day after it rose 54 points – a net zero gain.
How To Overcome Your Trading Fears
After a strong year during which markets were up double digits, many traders are worried.
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