Former Chief Market Strategist for Sutton & Associates, LLC, Freelance Writer
Contributor's Links: Institute for Economic Awareness
Andy Sutton is formerly the Chief Market Strategist for Sutton Associates, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He writes the periodic Economic and Financial Commentary My Two Cents with many articles co-authored by Graham Mehl. He earned an MBA with honors in ...more



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Cresco Labs' Q2 Financials Reflect Major Improvements In Operations
1 year ago

Excellent analysis! I'm going to look at that income statement. They really got some good leverage out of whatever they did in the 'middle'. Down that much on the Y/Y, now it seems like nice bargain, which is somewhat rare these days. Readers please note, the above is NOT a recommendation of any kind, just observations based on Lorimer's analysis.

In this article: CRLBF
More Than 3/4 Of S&P 500 Stocks Already In Correction Mode
1 year ago

Hi Guys, this is ironic that I saw this notification - we just posted a new article about the BRICS situation - speaking of de-dollarizing. Alexis, the best answer I can give you is that words mean things. If they say correction, the subliminal is that i'll be brief but the overall trend is up. That serves the strong hands in the markets. When the markets crash, most MSM articles are slanted towards an imminent market bottom. The market is part of the facade of the USDollar. Confidence must be maintained at all costs. Hence 35,000 Dow with no fundamentals, crushing debt, the currency now being dumped en masse, etc. 

Graham and I are getting busy again as we have things to talk about. how to 'see' you guys soon.



In this article: SPX
Goldman: Treasury Markets No Longer React To Economic Data
8 years ago

Treasury bonds are instruments of the USGovt. We can all agree on that. They are backed by the 'full faith and credit of the USGovt'. That is the statement made by Treasury officials and while I think that statement is an utter joke, I think we can all agree that is the mantra that comes forth. If the economy does well, then the government should (in theory) be able to meet its debt obligations. if the economy is in the toilet, such ability might be called into question. So yes, Treasuries used to respond to economic data - appropriately - and the fact that they don't really do that anymore should be a point for everyone to ponder.

Maybe it's like Gary pointed out - that hungry buyers see Treasuries as the cleanest trash out there. I know I certainly wouldn't take my hard earned money and loan it to an entity (at a negative rate) when i know that entity is in debt way over its head and has absolutely no plans of changing its behavior. But the dollar and Treasuries have always been the 'safe haven'. It's a hard habit to break, especially when everything else looks worse except for metals and I know that is really going to get some people going ;)

I certainly wouldn't call it misplaced fear when someone decides they want out of USGovt debt. Sounds a lot like 'flat earth' economics to me.

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