Adam Taggart | TalkMarkets | Page 8
President & Co-Founder at Peak Prosperity
Contributor's Links: Peak Prosperity
Adam is the President and Co-Founder of Peak Prosperity. He wears many hats, but his basic job is to handle the business side of things so that his fellow co-founder, Chris Martenson, is free to think and write. Adam is an ...more

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Fred Hickey: Why A Lifelong Technology Expert Favors Owning Gold
It's the safest and most undervalued asset today.
What The Crypto Crash And Stock Market Plunge Have In Common
Only one thing matters in bubble markets: perception. The chief concern of any prudent investor right now should be: How do I avoid being collateral damage in the coming reckoning?
Drowning In The Money River
Why the 99% of us are falling farther behind, and what you can do about it.
The Vicious Cycle Approaches
You can be thrilled about the fact your 401K has appreciated -- but it's sitting on a pocket of air because nothing is improved underneath the surface.
Doug Noland: There Will Be No Way Out When This Market Bubble Bursts
We are at the end a long cycle where the credit bubble has reached the heart of money and credit. There will be no way out.
Running Out Of Room
The idea of an 'industrial economy' is an extremely recent human invention. And we’ve staked quite a lot on its continuation.
Tim Jackson: The High Price Of Growth
Modern society is addicted to and engineered for perpetual economic growth.
The Cardinal Sin Of Investing: Permanent Impairment Of Capital
The excessive build-up of debt in the system -- and the absolute dependence on its continued expansion to keep the economy from imploding -- is, of course, seen as the prime risk to future growth.
Van Halen, M&Ms, And The Next Market Downturn
No brown M&Ms and a Van Halen show was set up smoothly. Otherwise, don't perform until the entire venue is scrutinized for other missed requirements. The lesson from Van Halen's wisdom is that having good indicators is key to achieving success.
Patrick Byrne: Why Cryptocurrencies Matter
Patrick Byrne, CEO of, details out the promising potential of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain, as well as his thoughts as to whether they will be able or not to evade subversion by the world central authorities.
What To Do With Your Cash?
It's unknowable exactly how much longer our unsustainable markets can remain at their record levels. But there is one thing we know for certain: we're closer to their day of reckoning than we've been at any point over the past seven years.
Steen Jakobsen: 60% Probability Of Recession In The Next 18 Months
The world economic engine is slowing to a standstill.
Less Than Zero: How The Fed Killed Saving
0.06% savings rates in a world of 2.2% (and actually much higher) inflation? That's a clear sign we're living in the era of negative real interest rates right now.
Brad Birkenfeld: Lucifer's Banker
Just how bad is the ongoing fraud in the banking system? Get ready for a mind-bowing expose by a former insider at UBS.
Sheelah Kolhatkar: Hedge Funds Are The Robber Barons Of Our Time
Sheelah Kolhatkar, former hedge fund analyst and staff writer at the New Yorker, thinks hedge funds have enjoyed enormous unfair advantages for far too long.
Danielle DiMartino Booth: An Insider Exposes The Evils Of The Fed
Former analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Danielle DiMartino Booth, describes how the Federal Reserve is controlled by 1,000 PhD economists and run by an unelected West Coast radical with no direct business experience.
113 to 128 of 170 Posts
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