Adam Taggart | TalkMarkets | Page 11
President & Co-Founder at Peak Prosperity
Contributor's Links: Peak Prosperity
Adam is the President and Co-Founder of Peak Prosperity. He wears many hats, but his basic job is to handle the business side of things so that his fellow co-founder, Chris Martenson, is free to think and write. Adam is an ...more

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Bill Black: Why The Banksters Are Winning
Bill Black, expert on Wall Street control fraud, returns to discuss the gross abuses of power rampant in our financial, political and judicial systems.
The Death Of Hopium
Tech Bubble 3.0 is in the process of bursting.
Charles Eisenstein: What Is Wealth?
It's about so much more than just money.
Kurt Cobb: Money Cannot Manufacture Resources
We have structured an economy for cheap energy and that is not what we have. It has resulted in a slowdown that I think is the beginning of that transformation from a high growth economy to a low growth economy.
Jeffrey Brown: To Understand The Oil Story, You Need To Understand Exports
Despite the attention-grabbing economic volatility that is grabbing headlines, it's important to keep our eye on the energy story firmly in focus.
Marc Faber: The Global Economy Is Entering An Epic Slump
Famed investor and author of the Gloom, Doom, Boom Report, Marc Faber, returns to the podcast this week to discuss the slowdown in the global economy, signs of which he claims are multiplying fast all around the world.
Paul Ehrlich: The Population Bomb
Ehrlich admits that things are even more dire than he originally forecasted; not just from the size of the predicament, but because of the lack of social willingness and political courage to address or even acknowledge the situation...
Olivier Garrett: Buying Gold & Silver
In this week's podcast, Chris sits down with Olivier Garrett, the CEO of the Hard Assets Alliance to discuss the current state of the precious metals market, why the reasons for owning bullion make more sense than ever today.
Bill McKibben: The Planet's Future Depends On Distributed Systems
To environmental activist Bill McKibben, it's all about math. The planet has warmed 1 degree Celsius over the past few decades and is on track to rise another 4 to 5 by 2100. An increase of this magnitude is too much for our ecosystems to adapt to.
For Heaven's Sake: Hedge
So here we are roughly six months later, and the same warning bells are ringing -- just louder this time.
161 to 170 of 170 Posts
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