Adam Taggart | TalkMarkets | Page 7
President & Co-Founder at Peak Prosperity
Contributor's Links: Peak Prosperity
Adam is the President and Co-Founder of Peak Prosperity. He wears many hats, but his basic job is to handle the business side of things so that his fellow co-founder, Chris Martenson, is free to think and write. Adam is an ...more

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The Highs In Gold Are Ahead Of Us
With the world re-entering a period of greater economic instability, with the central banks painted into a corner, with global stocks looking weaker by the day, the price of gold is starting to shine again.
Why The Next Downturn Will Be The Most Destructive In Modern History
We’re at the point where we’ve sabotaged our future by taking on too much debt, while at the same moment, we’ve started to run dangerously low on the resources necessary to run our modern way of living, straining key ecosystems in the process.
Hair-Trigger Markets
Bull market liftoff? Or bear rally rollover?
2019: The Beginning Of The End
For ten long years, the world’s central banks have dragged everyone along for one last attempt at scaling Mount Credit.
David Collum: Everything That Mattered In 2018
Everyone thinks the markets are now correcting. But compared to the size of the correction I think both you and I expect, this is just a drop in the bucket.
Ben Jones: The Housing Bubble Is Popping Right Now
After the central bank-driven Grand Reflation following the Great Financial Crisis, home prices are now beginning to nose over from their new bubble-highs.
Think You're Prepared For The Next Crisis? Think Again
We may finally be seeing the onset of a correction. Wall Street's 'Fear Gauge' is suddenly spiking, signalling that traders expect increased volatility along with falling prices
What Comes Next: Previews Of The Coming Reckoning
All things have a beginning, a middle and and end. And now, more than 3,480 days into the current bull market, the longest in history, we can say with high confidence we are very close to its end.
Trouble Ahead For The Housing Market
We're starting to see rising supply & flat/declining prices.
Dr. Charles Hall: The Laws Of Nature Trump Economics
It's all about energy return on energy invested.
Economics For Independent Thinkers
Economists are supposed to monitor and analyze the economy, warn us if risks are getting out of hand, and advise us on how to make things run more effectively -- right?
Affordable Disaster Protection
Umbrella insurance is often unwisely overlooked.
Fred Hickey: Why A Lifelong Technology Expert Favors Owning Gold
It's the safest and most undervalued asset today.
What The Crypto Crash And Stock Market Plunge Have In Common
Only one thing matters in bubble markets: perception. The chief concern of any prudent investor right now should be: How do I avoid being collateral damage in the coming reckoning?
Drowning In The Money River
Why the 99% of us are falling farther behind, and what you can do about it.
The Vicious Cycle Approaches
You can be thrilled about the fact your 401K has appreciated -- but it's sitting on a pocket of air because nothing is improved underneath the surface.
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