Editor and founder of Global-Investing.com
Contributor's Links: Global Investing
Vivian Lewis is editor and founder of Global-Investing.com, the daily blog newsletter for Americans and others seeking to internationalize their portfolios. She brings unique experience and competence to the business of picking foreign stocks. After graduating from Harvard magna cum laude (and ...more



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Pressure Day
3 years ago



BP Tops Q2 Earnings Estimates, Announces Share Repurchase
3 years ago

understatement is considered to be a good thing in Britain and BP plc seems to be very British indeed. Zacks is more used to American overstatement. Vivian@global-investing.com

In this article: BP
3 Top Healthcare Stocks To Buy In August
3 years ago

my global-investing.com blog recommends all three of your picks, Novartis, Thermo Electron, and Medtronics and moreover I own them, including TMO which is not an ADR like the other two.

In this article: NVS, TMO, MDT
The Delta Variant Spreads. Will It Mutate Gold?
3 years ago

go go gold

In this article: GLD
Dreary Day
3 years ago

dear William K. thanks as we are about to restart our on-line subscription service you are a prime potential client because you post bravos so often.

Dreary Day
3 years ago

dear William K

we are about to re-start our website payments system. you may want to sign up

4 Buy-Rated Growth Stocks To Snatch Up In May
3 years ago

in this week's Barron's Mirova Global Sustainable Equity which I think belongs to French brokerage Natixis, has 3.6% of its assets in TMO. I in fact have more than that, but I am not French. Barron's says it was founded in 2006 which is nonsense as I bought it 30 years ago, but that is because the old TMO merged with a firm making machines for diagnostic testing, healthcare equipment, lab tests, and gene sequencing, which were not part of the original Thermo I bought 30-odd years ago even though I spent some time living in France during that period. They also like another golden oldie I own, Microsoft plus two firms I don't own from Denmark and Germany despite being an ADR maven, only on of which has an ADR. Even though I am a contributor I want to enter your contest.

In this article: ABT, FDX, TMO, SBUX
4 Buy-Rated Growth Stocks To Snatch Up In May
3 years ago

although I am mainly an investor in ADRs, my largest holding of all is Thermo Fisher, a US company which I have owned for over 30 years. I bought it with a broker named David Karrick with Dean Witter, both of which are now departed from the scene back in the dark ages when people got analysis from their stock brokers. There is something to be said for that even if I was charged a commission for the purchase.

In this article: ABT, FDX, TMO, SBUX
Friday Market Report
3 years ago

not Birmingham. we will stay mostly in London and maybe Devon

Where To Now?
4 years ago

I read articles. I do not watch tv

In this video: QQQ, DIA, FXB, GLD, JYNFF, OIL, SLV, SPY
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