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Contributor's Links: Energy Profits in Dividends
Power Hedge is an independent stock research and analysis firm with a passion for macro- and microeconomic analysis. The company was founded in 2010 by Daniel E. Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs has a very interesting background. He graduated summa cum laude from the Pennsylvania State University with a B.S. in ...more
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Tesla Overtakes GM As America's Most Valuable Car Company
7 years ago

This is the perfect sign of a completely irrational market (as if we needed another one).

In this article: TSLA
Housing Consistency
8 years ago

It's also worth pointing out that the homeownership rate today is lower than it was in early 2009.

Gold Pullback Very Likely Over; Now On The Way To $1,400+
8 years ago

The problem though is that a lot of very well financed powers dislike gold...

3 Agriculture And Potash Stocks On The Rise In 2017
8 years ago

Just out of curiousity, why exclude SQM? It's one of the biggest potash producers on the planet. Plus, it's also a huge producer of lithium which means that if you believe in electric cars and TSLA's battery packs, you almost have to believe in it. But the market generally ignores it's lithium reserves. Is that why?

In this article: POT, MOS, CF
Charts Show Federal Budget Still Within The Range Of "Salvation"
8 years ago

My guess would be absolutely no possibility until it becomes impossible to keep borrowing money to fund them. So where does that leave us?

Tesla, Apple And Uber Push Lithium Prices Even Higher
8 years ago

I've been saying for quite some time that Tesla isn't the way to bet on electric cars... lithium is. I still think I am correct.

In this article: LIT
Charts Show Federal Budget Still Within The Range Of "Salvation"
8 years ago

Your last sentence hit the nail on the head. The problem is entitlement spending, mostly Medicare and Medicaid. Steps need to be taking to curb the spending on these programs dramatically going forward or ten years from now, these charts will like truly terrifying.

Net Mexican Migration To The US-Not What You Might Think
8 years ago

Interesting... but does this truly include all illegal immigration? By definition, that would be very difficult to track.

5 Stocks To Buy On Strong Housing Data
8 years ago

Other sources show that the housing market is weakening and has been throughout much of this year.


Your thoughts?

In this article: BCC, KBH, LPX, MDC, UFPI
Gold Pullback Very Likely Over; Now On The Way To $1,400+
8 years ago

#Gold and #silver... the underappreciated assets as of late. Personally, I like silver more than gold though as it has a lot more room to run.

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