Power Hedge is an independent stock research and analysis firm with a passion for macro- and microeconomic analysis. The company was founded in 2010 by Daniel E. Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs has a very interesting background. He graduated summa cum laude from the Pennsylvania State University with a B.S. in ...
morePower Hedge is an independent stock research and analysis firm with a passion for macro- and microeconomic analysis. The company was founded in 2010 by Daniel E. Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs has a very interesting background. He graduated summa cum laude from the Pennsylvania State University with a B.S. in finance and entrepreneurship. He then went to work at the Travelers as an Information Systems Consultant. He spent many years in this role, using most of his paychecks to invest in dividend-paying stocks, primarily in the energy industry. He left this position to start up Powerhedge, LLC, which had managed to obtain a contract with an asset management company in Pennsylvania to be their primary provider of research. Mr. Gibbs has since expanded the company into private equity and investment banking, which is illustrated by it being behind the largest real estate deal in Pittsburgh in 2016. The company today operates as both a boutique investment bank and a stock research firm focused on dividend investing.
Power Hedge focuses our research primarily on dividend-paying, international companies of all sizes with sustainable competitive advantages. Power Hedge is neither a permabear nor a permabull. However, we believe that, given the current structural problems in the United States, the best investment opportunities may lie elsewhere in the world. The firms strategy is primarily buy and hold, but will stray from that strategy on occasion. Our ideal holding period is forever, however we realize that both internal and external forces can impact an investment. For this reason, we believe that it is vital to keep a close eye on all of your investments. We do not believe in changing an investment based on short-term market swings.
Traditionally, we have not always responded to comments but in order to improve the quality of our research, comments will be reviewed and we will respond to issues regarding errors or omissions. This does not include our premium service, Energy Profits in Dividends, which is available from the Seeking Alpha Marketplace. This service does include detailed discussions with our team both on the reports themselves and in a private forum.
Latest Comments
US Retail Companies Have A Massive Bill To Pay Come 2018
Great article. A lot of people don't realize that in this supposedly "strong" economy, retailers just set a record for store closings in 2017.
Trump Is Very Lucky. He Inherited A Strong Economy And A Healthy Job Market
If it's true that the economy is strong, then why did 2017 see more store closings than 2008 and 2009? The number of store closings this year set an all time record.
If employment is strong, then why is the labor force participation rate at about the same level that it had during the Great Depression? Why are there more unemployed 25-54 year olds as a percentage of the population than during the depths of the Great Recession that followed the financial collapse?
GDP is an easily manipulated measure. GDP = Debt x Velocity of Money, so all you have to do is borrow a ton of money (or print it) to raise GDP.
Take a look at this: https://goo.gl/9nDPSe
Guaranteed Income And Living Wage Schemes Cannot Possibly Work
Not a bad idea. I'll have to see about obtaining a copy.
Guaranteed Income And Living Wage Schemes Cannot Possibly Work
Well said. Unfortunately though, we may be entering an age where something like this is necessary. I've seen reports that AI could replace 1/3 of even high skilled professionals by the middle of the next decade.
While I agree that a universal basic income cannot ever work, some kind of solution will be needed or we're going to end up in a lot of economic trouble anyway.
Houston Houses Affected By Harvey Don’t Have Flood Insurance
That's a very good point. I illustrated it here: seekingalpha.com/.../4102557-united-states-really-full-employment
Houston Houses Affected By Harvey Don’t Have Flood Insurance
Interesting. I figured that a lot of people didn't have flood insurance (most people think that homeowners policies cover flood and they don't) but I didn't realize the percentage was that high.
April 2017 ADP Job Growth Is 177,000 - Near Expectations
Yes but I was actually talking about the age 25-54 participation rate which should exclude things like retirees, etc.
What Should The Gold/Silver Ratio Be?
There could very easily be a shortage in silver if solar panels become popular like Elon Musk and a few others seem to want...
April 2017 ADP Job Growth Is 177,000 - Near Expectations
This is good, but the labor force participation rate is just barely above nearly all time lows. We need much stronger growth to really help all the people without work.
Do You Own The Worst Stock In The Market?
Except for the part about being in business 100 years, I would think you're describing TSLA!