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Power Hedge is an independent stock research and analysis firm with a passion for macro- and microeconomic analysis. The company was founded in 2010 by Daniel E. Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs has a very interesting background. He graduated summa cum laude from the Pennsylvania State University with a B.S. in ...more
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Gold And Pork Bellies
8 years ago

Gold and silver are the only real currencies out there. Everything else is just a "promise to pay."

Both gold and silver are very undervalued too, so buying some is a smart move.

In this article: GLD
Bond Guru Gundlach: 80% Chance Of Making 10% In Gold
8 years ago

I've really liked gold for a while. By pretty much any measure, it's significantly underpriced. Silver is even more so.

In this article: GLD, GDX
What Killed The U.S. Consumer, In One Chart
8 years ago

Obamacare did nothing to reverse the trend of healthcare inflation...

This Rarely Seen Chart Signals A Raging Silver Bull Market...
8 years ago

I'm thinking that silver is a better investment than gold at this point. That ratio is one reason why... the other being that demand for physical silver will likely increase much more than gold going forward.

In this article: GLD, SLV
The Great Exodus From The U.S. Dollar Has Begun
8 years ago

I've been writing about this myself for the past few years. Several emerging nations, led by Russia and China, but also including Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, and several others have been actively moving steadily away from the US Dollar. China now wants to do much of their foreign trade in yuan or Russian roubles.

China is now Saudi Arabia's biggest trading partner, not the United States. Eventually, the Saudis themselves might switch away from the U.S. dollar (they've already taken a few steps towards this end) and that could finally kill the dollar as the reserve currency... particularly if the USA doesn't get its spending under control and continues to interfere in world affairs (which has been angering a lot of foreign nations).

Great American Economic Growth Myth
8 years ago

Very well said. Not too many people realize that American GDP growth over the past 30-odd years has been due to debt expansion.

GDP = Velocity of Money x Debt

The velocity of money has been falling since the early 1980s and currently sits at lower levels than it had in the Great Depression. Therefore, all economic growth over that time period was due to the increasing debt load.

This Company’s Stockpiling Gold — And You Should Too
9 years ago

I remember an interview with Nathan Rothschild where he was asked what his portfolio was invested in. He said 1/3 was in gold. If you can't trust a Rothschild to know what to invest in, who can you trust?

In this article: GLD
The Labor Market In The U.S. Is Strong, But How Does It Compare Internationally?
9 years ago

I disagree that the labor market in the US is strong. If you look closer at that headline number, you see that all the jobs created went to workers over 55. The 25-54 age group actually saw employment decline was 35k, while men in that age group declined by 119k. In addition, the number of full time jobs in the US is just now reaching the levels that it had in December 2007 and that's excluding the fact that the population is now larger.

"US Debt Is 3 Times More Than You Think" Warns Former Chief US Accountant
9 years ago

This has been well known for a while and David Walker has been discussing this for several years. It has just never been covered extensively and policymakers seem content to ignore the problem rather than actually do something about it.

Russia Could Cause Another Financial Crisis In Response To Sanctions
9 years ago

Not only that, but increasingly it appears as though China is actively allied with Russia and both nations (along with several other BRICS nations) are actively working to supplant the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency. Unfortunately, a large portion of the American economic system depends on the US dollar remaining the reserve currency as it allows the U.S. government and companies to issue debt for much cheaper than they otherwise would and keeps domestic inflation lower than it would be were the dollar treated as any other currency by the world markets. This is a worrying situation.

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