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Power Hedge is an independent stock research and analysis firm with a passion for macro- and microeconomic analysis. The company was founded in 2010 by Daniel E. Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs has a very interesting background. He graduated summa cum laude from the Pennsylvania State University with a B.S. in ...more
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This Chart Reveals Google’s True Dominance Over The Web
4 years ago

That might be one reason. They recently banned all ads from both Trump and Bernie Sanders though so that might be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Retail Apocalypse: Fact Or Fiction?- Part 1
4 years ago

Yeah, but IIRC it’s not a huge push outside of Whole Foods

Retail Apocalypse: Fact Or Fiction?- Part 1
4 years ago

Hopefully tomorrow. Part 2 was sent to me last night.

Retail Apocalypse: Fact Or Fiction?- Part 1
4 years ago

Part 2 was sent to me last night. I’m uploading it to the site now so hopefully tomorrow.

Gold And Silver Holdings Of Trusts And Funds - Price Manipulation
6 years ago

Sooner or later, the ability of the Fed and others to manipulate the market via paper gold will go away. Somebody will try to take physical delivery and there won't be any gold to deliver. That's when the price will ultimately explode upward.

In this article: GLD, SLV
This Chart Reveals Google’s True Dominance Over The Web
6 years ago

Google has already begun getting investigated for monopolistic behavior in the EU, although nothing has come of that just yet.

If this isn't a monopoly though, I don't know what is.

The Amazing Amount Of Gold The U.S. Exported Since 2000
6 years ago

Originally it's because the 1960s saw lots of European countries wanting to exchange their US dollars for gold because the dollar was overvalued.

Nowadays, I'm not sure. China was importing it over the past decade in order to back the yuan with gold.

In this article: GLD
Is Cash No Longer Trash?
6 years ago

Excellent article... here's to hoping that we see a real yield on cash sometime soon!

In this article: BIL
The Amazing Amount Of Gold The U.S. Exported Since 2000
6 years ago

Your last sentence says it all and I've been saying the same thing for a long time... the US dollar will lose its reserve status in the future. I'm not sure when, but I keep seeing signs that it could be coming soon. When that happens, I'd rather have my gold and silver than something fiat.

In this article: GLD
What Happened To The Iphone?
7 years ago

I saw a survey back in August that essentially said that Chinese people as a whole felt that the iPhone X was far too expensive and they weren't interested in shelling out that kind of money for a smartphone.

Personally, I have an iPhone SE. I won't be buying another iPhone until Apple offers another one with a 4" screen. For me, the new phones are far too large.

In this article: AAPL
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