Executive Officer at SME
Moon Kil Woong is currently a VP at a SME. Previously he was a tech stock consultant, VP of Research at ING, and sell side Director at Crédit Agricole Indosuez. Moon Kil Woong has a Masters in Public Administration from SJSU. He contributes to both TalkMarkets and Seeking Alpha. You ...more



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NeurAxis IPO Sets Stage To Take On Irritable Bowel Syndrome With A Non-Surgical Solution
2 years ago

It's expected time is 2/9/2023 from what I know.

In this article: NRXS
SurgePays Will Surge Ahead As Subscribers Flock To The Company
2 years ago

Good additional information for readers. It should hit these numbers and I suspect they can exeed them. Their barrier to growth seems mainly to be a limit to their cash flow which should be helped with their move to profitability.

In this article: SURG
SurgePays Is An Undiscovered Diamond With An Upward Trend
2 years ago

AATAC gives tham access to 7-11, Circle K, Chevron Gulf, and Texico or over 8,000 stores. It definately is a big enought market and they are growing into it.

In this article: SURG
SurgePays Is An Undiscovered Diamond With An Upward Trend
2 years ago

The company will be profitable soon. Their growth is spectacular. Still they can only grow so far to generate enogh revenue to be profitable unless they increase margines which is maybe their not best avenue. It takes time which they are hopefully getting out of.

In this article: SURG
COVID Vaccines And The Stock Market
2 years ago

It is still not clear. We haven't dealt with corona and its getting wose. Vaccines are still not the answer and a real solution is not being looked at.

Bitcoin Futures Arrive
3 years ago

If anything undermines bitcoin its quantuum computing and what people can do with it to break Bitcoin encryption. If China hasn't done it already it is on thier top priority whether users know about it or not. 

Benefits Of Free Trade Versus Team Biden’s Protectionism
3 years ago

Trump by far was worse. The trade war was started by him and what hurts the most is taxes on consumer goods. Taxes and regulations on militzry and could be used as military goods on China has thumbs up by the general public and for good reason. 

Yes, They Are Coming For The Oil Companies
3 years ago
#Exxon $XOM has complied with oil conservation laws and has worked to further decrease their cabon footprint. What oil regulatioon do is to hurt small new startups hemmoraging money.
A $5 Trillion Property Bust In China Has Huge Implications For Commodities
3 years ago

All housing in evry country is inflated and is set to fall. Be prepared even if the srock market is unaffested expact al least a 10-20 decline in real estate. 

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