Lance Roberts - Comments
Chief Investment Strategist / Chief Economist of RIA Advisors
Lance Roberts is the Chief Investment Strategist, Chief Economist and member of the investment committee for RIA Advisors. His primary focuses are macro trends, financial, fundamental and technical analysis of the markets and equities, credit markets, ...more
Latest Comments
Margin Debt Surges As Bulls Leverage Bets
11 months ago

Not bearish....margin debt increases support bull markets. 

We’re Not In Kansas Anymore
3 years ago

David Robertson's point, the author of the article, is that the CARRY REGIME ends from a rise of inflation.

Biden’s Stimulus Will Cut Poverty By 40% – For One Year
4 years ago

You must have skimmed the article for the quotes. Because if you read it...the next sentence after Keynes quote was -

However, the Federal Government is not one of these charities, and throwing money at the problem does more harm than good in the long-term.

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