Kate is a former chef turned financial writer and editor, with more than 15 years of market experience. After working as a healthcare analyst in the '00s, when IPOs became an endangered species, she moved into general editorial, but healthcare/biotech remains her primary area of interest.
Kate is a former chef turned financial writer and editor, with more than 15 years of market experience. After working as a healthcare analyst in the '00s, when IPOs became an endangered species, she moved into general editorial, but healthcare/biotech remains her primary area of interest.
Latest Comments
The Key To Exploiting Almost Every Market On Earth
Where do you get off calling ETFs a 'new tool'? That's really a misleading introduction.
Riding Carl Icahn's Coattails
I see that CVRR has been climbing recently - any idea why?
Gold Vs Gold Stocks: Bullish Anomaly Developing?
What are some of the miners you suggest? I don't like having to go to your site (and probably subjecting myself to a sales pitch) to see the details.
Is India The Next China?
Thank you Joe! There is vast hidden potential in the countries where women are repressed. At the same time, I worry about differentiating investments that support the status quo, which is not woman-friendly in India; any suggestions?
FCC Votes In Favor Of Obama's Net Neutrality - Has The Slippery Slope To Web Censorship Begun?
The Herbalife Ice Cube Has Almost Melted: Presenting "Cash From Operations"
I just don't get it... why do people keep pouring money into this stock? It's up again after hours. It's like that quote from 'The Right Stuff' - 'the unscrewable pooch.'
Why Immucell Corporation Is The Easiest Double In The Stock Market
I'm very enthusiastic about this stock! Thank you so much for cluing me in about it. I live in wine country, but the people are very agrarian-minded and think I'm very smart knowing about it.
The Situation In Europe Reveals The Truth About The Global Bond Bubble
Sorry to sound ignorant, Graham - but does this impact stocks like BCS?
Annual Growth Portfolio Review
Hi Alex, HSBC has been in the news a lot recently, and not in a good way. You aren't worried about them at all?
Bull Markets Climb A Wall Of Worry
This is the first explanation I've seen of the market craziness vis a vis the economy that makes sense to me, thanks! One question: With reference to your discussion of commodities, what do you suggest for those of us with investments in food stocks, or the stocks you mention (KO)?