Kate Hayden - Comments
Private investor and journalist
Kate is a former chef turned financial writer and editor, with more than 15 years of market experience. After working as a healthcare analyst in the '00s, when IPOs became an endangered species, she moved into general editorial, but healthcare/biotech remains her primary area of interest.
Latest Comments
USell: Renewed Growth Model Provides A Probable 100% Return Opportunity
10 years ago

It's also encouraging to see an author add insights to an article. I know this site is still small and new but I'm encouraged by the level of commentary.

In this article: USEL, EBAY, AMZN, BBY
USell: Renewed Growth Model Provides A Probable 100% Return Opportunity
10 years ago

Thank you for the extremely detailed report. I am certainly thinking about this much more than I would have otherwise.

In this article: USEL, EBAY, AMZN, BBY
Top-Down Approach Is Not Working… Go Bottom-Up
10 years ago

Meanwhile can I get that sign for my lawn? Love the picture. (More seriously, I do agree with your premise.)

It Pays To “Think Different” About Apple’s Stock Price
10 years ago

Did you really sell all your AAPL? I would have been tempted to hang onto at least some...averaging has always been an investing approach that makes sense to me.

In this article: AAPL
The $1 Million Baby Blue Cross Refuses To Pay The Bill
10 years ago
So a Canadian couple buys Blue Cross, presumably Canadian, and is rejected by a Canadian Blue Cross rep. And this is Obamacare's fault how?
Gold Bug Psychology Must Be Neutered
10 years ago

Going to 'follow' you, Adem, looking forward to seeing your ideas.

In this article: HUI
Midterm Elections: Would A Republican Win Be Bullish For The Stock Market?
10 years ago

But wait...didn't Bush appoint Bernanke? (yes) So how does that fit with your theory about the Fed?

Dusting Up The VIX
10 years ago

I'll admit that I admire anyone brave enough to buy any form of gold fund, much less a triple short!

In this article: DUST, VIX
What’s Gold Really Worth?
10 years ago

So, gold is about double its 2008 price, but GLD is not. Are there any ETFs or other products that track the price of gold more closely?

In this article: GLD
21 to 30 of 31 comments