Jim Boswell Blog | Why December 1 Is Important to Me | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Why December 1 Is Important to Me

Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 6:10 AM EDT

A year ago today Linda was struck with a blood clot that resulted in her passing a little after midnight the day after (Aug 16).  This very unexpected happening shook me up as you can imagine.  I was dazed.  But in the very deep part of that dazement i decided to go "all in" and to quit worrying about the things i wanted to say.  Linda read most of my writings (including my blog posts) and i used her as a sounding board and a voice that could reign me in.  After Linda's passing I no longer had that voice to turn to and i said fuck it--here is how i really think--right, wrong, or indifferent.  I started by writing my America Is Great series.

Linda was a "Trump-hater".  And although i would tell her that sooner or later "el Trumpo" would pay for his "judgement errors", she did not have as much faith that that would be the case.  And that made me not like "el Trumpo" more than i already didn't like him.  "El Trumpo" made my soul mate angry.

Anway, moving on.  Regardless of my feelings, i now look back on my last year's work and i say oh, my goodness.  The America Is Great series is unpolished, but it is still a heck of a series.  This last year in globanomics i think i figured out some more Indepth issues that were not addressed in the book called Globanomics (e.g., alliance groups, Chairman and Vice Chairman with only one being from the U.S., world peace).

But i also know as i look back that there is not much more than i can do.  Other than bitch that globanomics isn't being implemented and i really cannot see me doing that day after day after day.  I would look like a fucking moron.


Which raises another good point.  Along my globanomics journey, several people have looked at me like a fucking moron.  I have let all of those people go their own "merry" ways.  

The thing is this.  Now that i have put myself on record (laying out a schedule even) for "World Peace", i think that even some of my long term non-Talkmarket cohorts (e.g., my sister, my georgetown lawyer friend, my stepchildren, some old working compatriots) are beginning to worry about my "sanity".


And even if you think you are sane, you know that the opposite could be true at the same time.  I am sure many "insane" people think they are completely "sane" and it is the rest of the world that is all fucked up.  And that could be me.

Let's face the facts.  I lost my soul mate one-year ago.  Since that time, i have had only two-days of human contact (a 2-day visit with my stepdaughters).  Other than that most of my conversation has been acrossed the counter at some checkout stand at the Food Lion, Walmarts, etc.).  So, essentially i spend most 24-hour periods, pretty much alone and by myself except for Sophie, Winston, and Cooper (our three dogs).  

Sane or insane it really is not a bad life.  It was the life that Linda and i had set up for ourselves.  The trouble is, i don't know whether that kind of life is good for just one person.


And now i think people close to my heart are beginning to worry about me and my mental well-being.


Now that may not completely explain why December 1 is important (you must remember i was proposing something similar last December), but i have decided that i simply will not or cannot continue past December 1.

Besides everyone already knows that Putin is meeting with Jinping in October and Biden is meeting with Jinping in November.  Although Biden holds all the cards, it is Jinping that has to put things into motion, and he has plenty of time to do that.

I have said what i wanted to say.  My work is out there for anyone to see.  I just cannot continue on feeding my sanity/insanity.  I am sure it will be difficult, like an addict trying to break his/her addiction, but i think i can do it.  At this point in time, i think the only thing that i would miss is my sermon writing, but i can do that without Talkmarkets if i want.

Anyway, that is why December 1 is important to me.  Linda and World Peace are the most important reasons, but my mental well-being is also part of the consideration.


ps. I think Linda would be smiling about the recent Georgia Attorney General's indictments, but i am sure that she would still be skeptical whether that is enough to get "el Trumpo".  I would disagree, but then i was always more of an optimist than Linda.


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Jason Green 1 year ago Member's comment

Where can I find your America is Great series?  And it looks like Trump is getting what is coming to him, with indictment after indictment.  He will almost certainly be running for president from prison.

Jim Boswell 1 year ago Author's comment

It would be difficult, because what you would have to do is go back and find my blog posts during the period Aug 16 - 30th or so last year.  Since, i don't necessarily have much more to say, maybe i will go back myself and dig them up, and repost them--with a second round of editing, and before Dec 1.. 

Thanks for the idea.  Stay tuned.