Supposedly the Bill is going to come up for vote in the Senate tomorrow. Supposedly.
So, what is going to happen.
Now there are two possibilities of course: (1) it will pass the Senate; (2) it will fail to pass the Senate.
If it is the former it will be sent to the House for their consideration. If it is the latter--then this fucking country is in trouble. Now i know there is no reason to jump up and down and claim that the Senate is the "most deliberative and smartest governing body (made up of mostly older white males) in the world because we know how stupid some of those senators are.
However, can they be so stupid to not do what is best for the country? Then think that the people of the nation are going to reward them down the line for "not passing" a bill that 75% want passed. Mitch McConnell knows better whether he says so or not.
Hell, even the Murdoch's don't know what they want. The Wall Street Journals says pass the bill. Fox news says trash the bill. It just depends on what audience the Murdoch's feel they are addressing. Now what kind of bullshit is that?
Personally, i still believe that in the end the Congress, working through the night with the Executive Branch, will come up with a way to pass this very important bill.
However, if good old Mitch decides to ditch it, then it is time to start treating this for what it is--a Civil War. The Democrats playing the side of the Yankees and the Republicans playing the side of the Rebels. One is for democracy, The other wants to bring back slavery.
Then after the victory dance in November, we will make sure that the Fourteenth Amendment is followed to the law. Not really. We are not as revengeful as the "el Trumpo".
ps. I have heard it over and over these past few years that Biden is not "out in front" as much as people think he should be. Where is Joe, they say? Why isn't he speaking out on this and that?
Well folks, Biden speaks by getting things done. He doesn't feel he needs to go out on the stump (which does take time away from what he is doing, which in turn includes all the domestic bullshit, Russia, China, Iran, Israel, etc. etc. etc.). But he should still do more, they say.
Well, this is what i say to those people. Instead of saying Biden is weak because he is not out "in front" on the issues that you hold dear, you should point out that Biden has passed phenomenal legislation that significantly improves the issues that you hold dear to your heart. You are the problem! Not Biden.
Biden is going to bring us world peace within a couple of months and when that happens i hope you can start talking better of him.
Your guess is as good as mine.