It would be kind of funny, if it wasn't so sad or easy to predict (in hindsight)--Fox's dilemma, that is. How does it look when a supposed news-outlet is caught lying to "its" public. "Don't tell me the truth, tell me what i want to hear." What was the old Fox motto--fair and balanced--in other words--"the truth".
And it was not caught lying just once folks--it was caught lying a zillion times. And not only that, they are still at it. Oh, of course, they are now trying to be much, much more careful. They are trying their best not to lie anymore; now, they are just more careful about what they "pick and choose" to present.
In the Fox world these days, there are four things they are allowed to talk about:
- Low-life, smelly, dirty Americans trying to crash our "southern" border;
- Crime in the city where all the blacks hang out and where the democrats are always in charge;
- The Putin War, which would not even been a war if the Big D was still in charge; and
- How your poor, hard-working, ethical, white, Christian-minded children are being "brainwashed" in all the "public schools" (for which you pay for with your hard-earned monies through taxes).
In the Fox world these days, you will never hear about:
- Any of Trump's legal problems unless of course they were all brought on by a vengeful democratic party;
- Recent important legislation that has been passed unless of course it has to do with "CRIME" because America is going to hell in a handbasket faster than you can count to "one"--and we all know why (bring in the dog whistle)--it's those damn blacks who are running around your neighborhood shooting your white children;
- The real war that is going on in the world between "real freedom" and "real tyranny";
- How really pretty decent the U.S. economy is; how it stood up against the pandemic and Putin's War, and pushed its way on through--(you have to remember--"America is going to hell faster than you can count to one"--that phrase is inconsistent as hell, but always makes Fox's audience feel good;
- How much Fox knowingly lied to their audience. It's an internal legal matter, and we have been told not to discuss anything to do with it. Now if that is not "a way around the problem" then what is. "We cannot tell you that we lied to you, so we won't. And you can feel real damn safe that we will never tell another lie to you, if we ever did in the first place, which is up to the courts to decide." In other words, "keep watching."
- This part of the list could go on and on, but so what--what difference does it make?
I heard a good one this morning regarding Sean Hannity and Trump. After talking together about how Trump would have handled the war, Hannity conveniently left out the part where Trump said he "probably would have let Putin take over part of Ukraine".
Now i don't know about you, personally, but i think of everything Trump has been saying, that this might be of significance. Why leave it out in your coverage of your Trump interview, Sean? Are you so afraid to tell the "truth", knowing that your hands are tied now that you cannot lie, that the best thing to do is to "just leave things out--unspoken". It never happened. No one needs to know.
Hell, if i was Rupert Murdoch these days, i think i would just finally have to pull the plug, starting at the very, very top of the Fox News organization. Bring Fox back to the mainstream. You still have television programming, sports, entertainment, business networks, etc.--don't let your Fox News brand totally destroy the rest of your dynasty.
Yes, you might lose some of your "sick, weak-minded" audience, but so f------ what? Wouldn't you rather have a reputation of "responsibility" in lieu of a reputation of "total irresponsibility"? The decision for Rupert is clear, cut and dried. People like Hannity, Carlson, Boradaromo (or whatever her name is), the Pillow Man--they all need to go to News Max. Who wants that audience anyway? Money is not worth it, especially when you already have plenty.
Rupert is acting like the anti-Warren Buffet or Bill Gates. Instead of thinking philanthropy; Rupert thinks of "POWER", which by the way, is a sick thing to think about. It takes quite a person to handle "POWER" and there is no one within the Fox organization that has the ability, including Rupert himself. If you really want to understand how to handle "POWER" my advice is to watch President Biden because he is handling "POWER" quite well.
ps. I remember us talking about Fox a long time ago here on Talkmarkets. It was right before the 2020 election and i said that Fox should endorse Biden; otherwise, they would pay for it in the longer term. At that time, i actually did think Fox might do such a thing (why?--because in my mind it was the "proper and rational" thing to do--it made sense). Backing Trump into that election was a Fox mistake. Then instead of dropping Trump after the election, they double-downed on him again with his "election lies", and then to make things even worse than that, they "triple-downed" on Trump after January 6, 2021.
What kind of f------ "new outlet" is that. It sound more Russianistic than Americanistic to me. Go figure.
ps. I am all for Fox surviving, if they tear down "their current news network" and "start from scratch with a new plan that supports the basic and fundamental principles of the United States and its Constitution. Otherwise, I am all for Fox news, Fox television, Fox sports, etc. all go down the tubes together. There is a much larger audience out there that Fox has not been talking to--and that audience might also have some say as to how well they want to support even those other Fox network alternatives.
ps1. Reading and thinking back on the above, i see "an association" or "similarity" between Rupert's delimma and Vladimir Putin's delimma--they both know they have "losing hands" and yet they haven't decided yet whether to "fold their hands" or not. After all, there is always a chance that a "bluff" might work.
ps2. The trouble with "bluffing" is this: your opponent may actually have a good hand that he/she is not going to fold. In that type of case, you will lost a lot more carrying out your bluff than you would if you had just folded your hand.
ps3. The same thing goes for Xi Jinping.
ps4. I taped Tucker Carlson last night. I thought it might be interesting to see what he had to say "about things that he is allowed to talk about, that is"--free speech, you know".
Even I was surprised at how blatantly Fox lied to its viewers and how badly they were caught. But since they will never report this on their own network, the majority of their viewers will likely never know.