Jim Boswell Blog | We Need an Iwo Jima Image | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
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Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

We Need an Iwo Jima Image

Date: Sunday, October 13, 2024 8:46 AM EDT

In order to finish up this election process, what we need now is an image that is as meaningful as the Marine Corps Statue at Ft. Myers.  

Marine Corps War Memorial - Wikipedia

And here is what i propose and the fundamental logic behind it.


Many political advisors tell their candidates that foreign affairs don't mean much during election time,  Forget that bullshit.  Foreign affairs is front and center in many people's minds--and especially "male minds" of all different colors.  Males want their President to be Strong, Tough, and Smart Enough to not be bedazzled by flattery.  Males like to think in combative terms  I say, okay, let's give it to them.

So, here is what i propose.  Someday, let's say next Saturday, every key person that i mention below show up at the same place (e.g., Plains, GA in the home of Jimmy Carter) for a photoshoot.  I will list and identiffy each member singularly, but in case i screw up, it includes every living President and Vice-President other than el trumpo.  Call it the 2024 Endorsement Photo to save America from tyranny.

Now here are the people that should be there:

1. Kamala Harris

2. Tim Walz

3. Joe Biden

4. Mike Pence

5. Barach Obama

6. George W. Bush

7. Dick Cheney

8. Bill Clinton

9. Al Gore

10. Dan Quayle

11. Jimmy Carter


I know Pence and Quayle are both wimps and might not want to join in the photoshoot, but i would spell things out to them in such a way that it would be in their best interests to join the group.  All the others i feel are already committed, including George W. Bush.

If you get such a photo, every newspaper in the country will have to show that picture--and pretty much on the front page of each newspaper.  Every news channel, including Fox, will have to carry the story.  It would be something that has never happened before.  How could you ignore such a picture?  Tell me how?

And afterwards, start talking about why it was so god damn important for all of these people to get together to make this "unified message" and make it now as the last big central issue of the campaign.  Make "el trumpo" explain his love affairs with Putin, Orban, and North Korea.  

El trumpo claims to be a patriot.  Well, the photo i am talking about shows what true patriotism is--which, btw, is not self-aggrandizing.


We should have the youth.  We should have the female vote.  What we need to do is eat in to "el trumpo's current stronghold"--the stupid white and black males that have to have it all spelled out in CAPITAL LETTERS for them before they can even begin to understand what is really going on.

Now let's make it happen!


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Angry Old Lady 4 months ago Member's comment

We just learned that while Trump was telling Americans that Covid was no big deal and letting them die enmasse, he was sending, free of charge, Covid testing equipment  that was in high demand, directly to Putin for his personal use.  And that the too have been in regular contact since.  Despite Russia being our #1 geopolitical foe, and a threat to world peace.