I watched the President speak and take questions from the press yesterday and he won me over to his side. Joe, you now have my full backing--100%, lock stock and barrel, heart and soul.
Never before have i felt a President's pain more than i did yesterday around 5:00 p.m. As a veteran I grieve for the families of our dead soldiers, but this i know, the President's grief is even greater than my own. I saw it in his face, i saw it in his movements, and i heard it in his words. I love you, Joe, and i am so glad you are our President. I wish i could relieve you of a smidgen of your burden. Although I know i cannot.
Even though I am proud of my own military service, i never had to face an enemy in battle like our soldiers are doing in Afghanistan right this minute. The work that has been done by our men in arms at the airport in Afghanistan these past several days is nothing more than magnificent. The loss of our soldiers at the airport yesterday is a blow, but the loss has clearly given freedom for thousands of at risk Afghanistans, Americans, and Allies, alike. The kind of loss we experienced yesterday is a price our country has paid before. It is who we are.
And yet now i hear calls for Biden to resign. And from whom? The same old gang of Trumpists, who have no idea, concept, or belief in what America actually does stand for. Oh, they claim to be proud Americans, throwing the stars and stripes in our face every chance they get, but they are nothing but hypocrites, false profits, self-promoters, and conspiracy theory advocates like their "fallen leader". If there is anyone who should resign from office, it is the likes of Josh Hawley and Marsha Blackburn. They know better, yet right on cue, they jump at every chance they can to look stupid and unpatriotic.
These self-promoters promote a man who did everything he could to "not serve in the military". Oh, but i had bone spurs. Yeah, sure, i bet that was painful.
These self-promoters promote a man that knows American history like the back of his hand. Remember when Trump told us how proud he was of our Revolutionary Army on America's Independence Day in 2019, “Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory.” Airports during our Revolutionary time period? Fort McHenry is better known for what happened in 1812 than during the Revolutionary War period. Oh, but that was the teleprompters fault we were told. Makes you wonder who wrote Trump's speeches for him, doesn't it? It mattered little to the self-promoters, however. They continued to support their man who learned the power of propaganda by reading Adolf Hitler's speeches.
These self-promoters promote a man who tried to overthrow our democracy less than nine months ago. "I'll be right there with you patriots", Trump told his crowd. "I'll be right there with you as you try to overthrow the Government of the United States and take over the Congress of the United States". Oh yeah, Trump will be there with you, just like he was with the soldiers and patriots of the Vietnam War with his bone spurs. Trump's so-called patriots are going to jail now, while Trump remains free and his Hawley and Blackman-like self-promoters continue to promote the most corrupt, lethal, and only "charlatan" President we have ever had in the United States.
Just because you have bought into the conspiracy theory that the "2020 American election was rigged or flawed" and that your joke of a man was going to be back in the Oval Office in August, will not make it so. You are the dupes, Hawley and Blackburn! Not only do you look stupid, i am beginning to believe that you are stupid. You think you sound patriotic, but you are the farthest thing from being patriotic.
So I say, "Shut up Hawley. Shut up Blackburn. If anyone should resign their office today, it is you."
What about that line where he said "he was instructed to?" Is he the president or a puppet?
Where do you guys get all of your conspiracy theories? Why waste your time reading my posts? I am not a cospiracy theory clown and you are not going to turn me into one.