Because i am not an artist and really not much of an entrepreneur, i thought i would throw this "million dollar idea" out there for anyone who wants to make use of it. Now, here is all you have to do.
1. Go out and purchase about 5,000 cheap plastic dolls of "el trumpo". I am assuming if you bought in mass, you could probably get them at price of one-dollar per doll or less.
2. You go out and buy several gallons of "gold paint". It has to be "gold" paint, it cannot be any other color.
3. You either hire someone to paint all 5,000 plastic dolls or you just sit down and paint them yourself, saving the contractor expenses.
4. You come up with some jazzy spiel that can be used on Ebay, and you put your limited supply of 4,500 and once-in-a-life-time "golden image of el trumpos" up for sale at $500 each. You can tell them that you certify that their new doll will have real "gold paint" on it. They should sell like hotcakes on a cold day in Alaska.
5. Then after you sell all those 4,500 dolls, you put the remaining 500 up for auction. By that time, word will be out, supply will be down, but demand will be up (especially in places like Alabama, Mississippi, Louisianna, and Texas), and who knows what those other 500 dolls can bring you. In fact, you might just want to hold a few of your last 500 back for yourself. Think what they will be worth in 100-years!
Now let me go back over the accounting with you.
a. 5,000 plastic dolls with "el trumpo's image" at $1.00 a piece.
b. 10 gallons of "gold paint" at $35.00 per gallon (you don't have to get the best paint, you just have to make sure it is gold paint)
c. paint labor costs, let us say, fifty cents per doll, whether you do it yourself or you pay someone else to do it.
d. i am not sure how ebay works, but i am sure they might take a percentage cut, which i assume comes in at time of sale.
And that is it, folks. Expenses are probably under $8,000, not counting ebay's cut.
BTW, i never said that what size of a doll you needed to get. In truth, it could be no more than two-inches tall (after all, everyone knows that gold paint is expensive and much more expensive than even silver paint). The smallness might even in fact be a better approach than a larger doll. None of "el trumper's" supporters will believe they could get a two-foot "Golden idol doll of el trumpo" for $500 because they know gold paint costs more than that.
Now compare that to the revenues that i am talking about.
4,500 gold painted dolls of el trumpo for $500 a piece--that is, $2,250,000. You are already a millionaire.
490 gold painted dolls of el trumpo in a later auction--conservatively, that should bring you in another $490,000.
10 gold painted dolls of el trumpo that you save for perpetuity--you will double your money with just these ten.
It's a genius idea and consistent with the type of thing "el trumpo" would do. Just think, you can beat him at his own game for once.
And this is just another example of all the things that i give my followers for free.
One problem with your plan. Why would anyone spend that much on a gold painted toy? $500?? If they really wanted, They could just buy and paint it themslves and save $499.
We are talking about "el trumpo" supporters here--not necessarily your average-level-headed and intelligent persons. It's the same people that send him money for his lawyers. At least under this they get a gold-painted minature of their golden idol. You could even throw in a King Donald version of the Holy Gospel according to Donald--of course, as an added bonus, we would have it printed upside down from the cover. And you could still make money.