Jim Boswell Blog | To My Non-Talkmarkets Cohort Group | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

To My Non-Talkmarkets Cohort Group

Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 9:59 AM EDT

This is the message that i am sending my "non-Talkmarkets" cohort group.


Hi, all--despite all the world chaos at the moment stay positive because "world peace" is about a month away.  Everything is on schedule.  Steps 1 and 2 have been taken: (1) US government officials talk with China government officials; (2) Jinping and Putin just had their meeting.

Now Step 3 is where China signs up to be friends with the United States.


Somewhat out of the limelight right now, you should know that Anthony Blinken's counterpart from China is visiting the U.S. this week.  That is a pretty big deal considering the fact that the "current word" is that Biden will meet with Jinping in San Francisco in or around November 17.

Presidents and Chairmans do not meet unless they know they have some "meaningful outcome" from the meeting.  That's how big diplomacy is done.  The second and thirds in line do all the prep work, then the big guys step in and put their stamp of approval on it.


Now i know some of you are probably wondering why China would become friends with the U.S., especially in this horrendously chaotic world (including the effects of Trumpism, and the nutty republicans).

Well, here is the reason.

Let's start out first with the fact that the U.S. Navy's "Sink the Navy" plan is not as top secret as you might think it is.  The Chinese know of that particular plan and they know they have no "defense" against it.

Secondly, China's economy really is hurting.  China's historical growth in terms of GDP was primarily in the manufacturing other nations' goods.  And if there is one industry that can relatively quickly be stolen away, its "the manufacturing industry".  

China is a "paper tiger" both militarily and economically.  

The current world order is something that is constructed from all the history since World War II--and the United States has lead the way throughout the past seventy-five years: space, satellite, computers, microcomputers, the internet, the cell phone, etc. etc. etc. etc.

We won the war for "world peace" not knowing that we were doing that all along.  


How does China's friendship with the U.S. guaranty world peace or peace with the rest of the world?

That easy, because now you have pretty much isolated your potential troublemakers to Russia, North Korea, and Iran.

Now, for you non-defense thinking people, you should know that North Korea and Iran pose no "serious threat" to the U.S.  North Korea and Iran could be taken care of the same way the U.S. planned for a "sink the Navy" contingency.

That leaves Russia pretty much out there all alone by their own loansomeness.  Looking at a reenforced NATO group ready to give even more additional support to Ukraine (including the possibility of NATO troops themselves).

Putin would jump at an "immunity" deal faster than Mark Meadows could even mention the term.

And the deal is this:  Give up your nukes, stay in power, and join the European Union as a member (then shut your fucking mouth).


World peace all wrapped up in a nutshell.  Coming your way soon!


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Jack S. Chen 1 year ago Member's comment

Not sure if it makes much sense to reach non-TalkMarkets on a TalkMarkets. If they aren't users, how will they see this?  Interest post though.

Jim Boswell 1 year ago Author's comment

You email them the link.  It kills to birds with one stone.  I don't fully trust my Talkmarkets followers because i don't know them personally.  I know my non-Talkmarkets group, which gives me another set of followers willing to critique.

Jack S. Chen 1 year ago Member's comment

I understand now.  Makes sense.  I don't think saying that you "don't trust" followers, is the word you meant, but virtual relationships, even with people you speak to every day, are the not the same as the people you know and interact with face to face.