There is a really small litem, in extremely small print, that gives the Congress of the United States the right to use a "warranty on the President of the United States). That warranty is good for the first sixty days of every Presidency--it was a safety feature, the founders threwh in at the last moment in very, very fine print, just to make sure that a President elected by the people didn't get off track with his/her/its responsibilities to those same people.
All Congress has to do is turn the warranty in to the American People, and the warranty assures that a new and better leader will replace the earlier broken one.
Nothing could be simpler. Warranties are called all the fucking time. I once got a refrigerator replaced under warranty. Kind of like the time el trumpo paid back all those people he owed, making them whole again.
So, let's get to it. Let's close this clown show down, once and for all, and that means never again!