Jim Boswell Blog | The Mysteriously Increasing Pie in Globanomics--Extended | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
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Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

The Mysteriously Increasing Pie in Globanomics--Extended

Date: Saturday, December 3, 2022 4:53 AM EST

As i told my friend, M, yesterday's blog is about as good as gets from an analytical and literary standpoint--as i pointed out that this was just my own "humble" opinion.  

Anyway, M, wrote me back and said that he was not a mathemetian, but he just did not see the "exponentiality" in my example.  For those of you, like M, who did not see the "exponentiality" here is my response back to M:

"The exponentiality comes in to effect by the change in the area, itself.  For example, the area change between 1 and 2 for the radius changed the area by about 9, whereas the change of the radius at one billion changes the area by more than 6-Trillion.  As the radius length increases incrementally by one, the area increases more than the area changed the unit before.  That's exponentiality.  And that's why i asked where humankind stood on the radius line with its 8 billion people.  Does a unit change today affect an increase of 9 or Trillions or even a Trillion trillion.  I will let you ponder that question, but with th internet essentially contains a lot of knowledge and it is accessible by billions of humans, i would say we are way past the beginning stages of growth.

If you wrote the equation for the radius and change in area, it would be an exponential equation!

There are layers and layers in just about all aspects of life, and so is the case in my blog of yesterday.  I could have mentioned the equation part of the "change in the area", but i didn't.  I was lazy, thinking to myself, its just an analogy for the lay person.  Any mathemtician (i can't spell it either) would probably want to check my math out, and when they did, they would quickly see the actual exponentiality of the thing.   So don't put yourself down because in terms of math you fall somewhere in between a mathemetician and a layman.   

I wrote the blog as an analogy, and not a perfect one to one relationship between the radius and globanomics.

But when you think about it.  Increased knowledge (radius) does spread around the world and adds value forwith (probably even more so than my analogical example) which leads to further gains even if no more knowledge (radius) is increased after that.

Findings from basic research, new art forms, new music, new things like the internet--these are the things that make the radius grow on the pie.  It's been going on forever, and will continue to do so, unless we "blow ourselves up to smithereens".

Yesterday's blog is about as good as it gets, from a mathematical and literary standpoint--said in my normal "humble" manner.

Keep them coming.


ps. for those of you who are followers of my blog, i hope you caught my last point about "the increasing pie and love defining globanomics" because i also intended for the analogy to show "science" and the "spiritual" working together for a better future for all of mankind.  You must always remember that globanomics claims that Love is the Highest Knowledge (knowing that knowledge comes from science)

ps1. i see signs of globanomics picking up steam--slowly.  Yesterday's blog received more views than it would have if every one of my Talkmarket followers and my early contacts had viewed the blog. 

ps2. Pi, and the circle and the related equations have always been a "mystery of the church".  What the mathemeticians will find out when they write the equation of "what i talked about yesterday", they will find a two-ended exponential type thing.  At one end, it moves downward to 100%, but never in fact getting there.  On the other end, it moves toward 200% but never quite getting there.  I am not that much of a mathematician to know whether this is a common phenomena or not.  Just the same i found it interesting, from my own "spiritual" standpoint. 

ps3. I did not look at fractions below a radius of 1, but again, i was writing this primarily as an analogy, not a "nobel prize winning" finding.  Hell, i would be surprised if the mathemticians haven't already explored this thing like i did.  Anyway, my point is this.  There is more that you can do with what i showed yesterday that probably is worth further research (but that is not my bag at the moment).

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Adam Reynolds 2 years ago Member's comment

Which  blog post received so many views?

Jim Boswell 2 years ago Author's comment

The original "Mysteriously Increasing Pie of Globanomics", not this extended one.  As part of my new marketing strategy, i am linking a couple of my blogs, so i can monitor them to see whether the marketing effort picks up any more views.  It's a pain in the ass, but i do see nibbles.

You must understand i am not Attila the Hun, and my marketing effort is starting out small, but then, you never know when you might find someone in that marketing effort who could actually help in the support globanomics.

For example, you, too, could link my blogs to your friends.  You could even tell them how important globanomics is to world peace.