Here is a good infrastructure project for the Hoosier Buttigieg straight from another Hoosier farmer's mouth.
A bigass water pipeline from the Great Lakes to the California farm fields.
Here is part of the reason.
The water volume of the Great Lakes is 5,472 cubic miles. The water volume of Lake Mead is a little under 8 cubic miles.
It's a Pareto Optimum with one group of farmers from the Midwest helping another group of farmers in California. Payments could compensate for any "nature problems affected" and the Western farmers would have a guaranteed source of water supply.
This entire concept was mentioned to me about twenty-years ago by an old Hoosier farmer friend of mine when we were talking about the effects of climate change. Not only is the fresh water of the Great Lakes large, so is the water table under most of the land of the Midwestern states. In the Midwest farmers don't even pay for irrigation water, they just have to pay for the drilling and the equipment used to irrigate. The water is essentially free.
In doing so you might even protect many of the lakes like Lake Mead and Lake Powell that are disappearing in terms of yester year.
p.s. Republicans seem to be big on pipelines. Maybe you could convince them to buy in on this one.
You could even call it the Buttigieg Pipeline.
See what can happen when you start thinking "outside the box"?
This is an interesting idea.