Excuse me before i get to the subject of this post. Due to previous comments i have received from some of my Talkmarkets' followers, i plan to start this and any future post with a little bookkeeping. Now here is that bookkeeping: If you would like to purchase a copy of my new book, Globanomics, click on "Globonomics" up by my picture on this post where it says "Contributor Links".
Now on to the subject of this post--ten reasons why you should read globanomics.
1. The Preface starts telling you how globanomics came about.
2. Chapter 1 starts out and gives you a pretty good scientific explanation relating to Earth's significance, its beauty, and its diversity.
3. Chapter 2 provides you an entirely new way to look at Humankind--one that is more positive in nature than the one that is generally exposed.
4. Chapter 3 gives you Globanomics and explains the rationale and reasoning behind all the principles that go into making up globanomics--including that of love and understanding.
5. Chapter 4 explains the new "National Hierarchy of Needs" triangle--an offshoot of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs triangle.
6. Chapter 5 offers a new "productivity enhancement tool" called the Performance Evaluation Report Card (PERC) methodology--better than any other productivity enhancement tool in the market place.
7. Chapter 6--All this chapter does is show you examples of how "globanomics analyses" can lead to new insights allowing you to come up with newer and better solutions for problems.
8. Chapter 7 introduces the Electronic Global Stock Market Board (EGSB), which shows why the U.S. should lead the world towards globanomics, while pointing out the additional fact that China is a Paper Tiger.
9. All chapter 8 does is simply lay out the framework for a new World Federation--using the U.S. government as a template.
10. Chapter 9 takes on the issue and question relating to Freedom vs Authoritarianism and does it better than anything you have read to this point on that particular subject.
11. Chapter 10 explains why it was important to add a subtitle (i.e., Love, Freedom, and Understanding) to the Globanomics title.
The last item is a bonus item for the very, very curious. You can ignore it if you want because i only promised to give "ten" reasons to read Globanomics--that last item is the "eleventh".
ps. I wrote all the above in about "ten minutes". I did not have to pull the book out to remind me what i put in it.
ps2. when i googled "globanomics" this morning, the order that i told you about in one my yesterday's posts, had changed. The first item yesterday is now the second item, and the second item yesterday is the first item. I assume that means progress.
Makes sense. Have you thought about dropping the price to only 99 cents or even free, for a short while, to try to get some reviews? I see a lot of authors on Amazon doing this. It's hard to buy a book for so much, when it has no reviews.
Thank you for your thought. But, yes, i have given some thought to something like what you said, but so far i have chosen not to go down that path. It's not that i want to get "rich" or that--it's just the fact that my book is worth at least the ten dollars (six if kindle) that i am asking. And i think that is the way i plan to keep it. Sorry if that prices you out of the market.