I thought i would share the following comment i just received addressing my writing style and my blog itself..
"Jim, the problem is that you have a massively inflated ego which is very off putting to readers. The only reason you get published at all is because TM is the only one nice enough to do so. Obviously, if the New York Times, or Washington Post or any other major outlet was willing to publish you, you'd be there in a heart beat. But none want your articles.
Perhaps it's time to start lowering your expectations and not alienate the last place that's still willing to publish you from time to time."
When i showed the above comment to my wife, Linda, she said she agreed with what i thought was a rather "snarky comment". She, too, thinks i am getting pretty full of myself and she thinks i should tamper things down--like Hold the Presses and the like.
Personally, i thought that approach was kind of cute, considering whose attention i was trying to get (i.e., the newspapers, magazines, etc.). Hell, even the people at Wharton would have thought that was clever. Yeah, i know that i am getting a bit blusterful, in taking credit for globanomics, but in truth globanomics is something that i put out there for. Just google the term.
So if you believe in globanomics, then i am somewhat of a normal guy. If you do not believe in globanomics, then i think you have all the right in the world to call me an egomaniac and nuts.
For the major part of the last fifteen or so years, i have been studying the meaning of "poverty of spirit" using Meister Eckhart as my guide. And from that standpoint, i want you to know that i am doing all i can to keep my ego out of globanomics.
Any time you want to take me on with a "poverty of spirit", i am willing to take you on.
So did any of those other publications publish you? If so, you can vindicate yourself to your wife. If not, maybe your wife and that commenter are right.
I think i know my wife better than you do, Bill. And you can stick it, too.