Jim Boswell Blog | Seventeen Out of Fifty--Oh, My! | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
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Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Seventeen Out of Fifty--Oh, My!

Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 5:00 AM EDT

Did i hear things right?  Were there actually seventeen republican senators that still want to support Ukraine and Europe over Russia?

Seventeen!  Oh, my!  Seventeen republican senators that did what "el Trumpo" didn't want them to do.


But what about the other thirty-three?  What about Lindsey Graham?  What about Marco Rubio?  What about the great senator from Texas--Teddy Cruz?  What about those guys?  Aiding and abetting Vladimir Putin.

Oh, they say that is not what they are doing.  They agree with "el Trumpo" that the richest and most powerful nation in the world has done enough for its allies and it is time to come home and take care of the southern border, which they also agreed not to pass a bill to fix.


Let me ask you?  How would you like to be a republican today?  How would you like to defend policies that are completely alien and inconsistent with the history and ethics of the United States.  

The republicans would hate globanomics.  They would really hate it, despite the fact that it recognizes the value of the United States and puts the United States into the leadership seat.  The reason the republicans would hate it so much, is because it concedes that there are other people in the world that want the same things the people of the United States want--freedom to make their own choices.

Globanomics is a world-sharing philosophy.  The republicans in the U.S. don't want that.  They would prefer that the United States has everything, which it pretty much has already.  The republicans still want more.


Actually, i have come to believe that the republicans don't know what they want.  Otherwise, why would they be following the words of "el Trumpo".  Everybody in the world except the republicans in the United States knows that "el Trumpo" is an idiot, a narcistic brat, a fraud, and a real threat to democracy.

Et tu, Lindsey, Marco, Teddy? 

Nah!  We would never stick our Golden Caeser with anything.  We knew what he was in 2016, but he beat Hillary, and we converted.  It's that easy!


Well, no matter, we should be grateful for the seventeen.  Their votes might not have required exactly "profiles in courage", but at least it was more in that direction that what the other thirty-three republican senators did, which can be called "profiles in hypocrisy".  


ps.  i guess the football elites had it right.  Winning team: Kansas City.   Winning by scoring less than 30 points.  And the final score within a touchdown.  I will have to say it really was a great game.

ps2.  I wouldn't start putting Andy Reed and Bill Belichick on the top rung of the platform yet.  I still remember a coach called Lombardi.  And if Lombardi was coaching today, that is where i would put my money.

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Dan Jackson 3 months ago Member's comment

It is truly disgraceful. The GOP has become an embarrasment.