Jim Boswell Blog | Rebel Headquarters -- Midnight Report -- Day 31 | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Rebel Headquarters -- Midnight Report -- Day 31

Date: Sunday, March 23, 2025 1:59 AM EDT

This is the midnight report from Rebel Headquarters as we head into the thirty-first day of our civil war on the United States of America.


It was a slow day yesterday at Headquarters.  The captain told us to rest up, so we can be ready and in peak fighting order for the big push with "Here Comes the Sun" on Monday.  So, that's what we did.  Some fellows played cards, cribbage usually.  Some read, some wrote home to their loved ones, but most of the day was just catching up on lost sleep, napping.

We did monitor the Talkmarkets' scoreboard all day long--that's probably the most important thing we did yesterday.  As you know, this last week the captain laid out his argument for Globanomics over el trumpism (some would say that you shouldn't have to argue between the two, but that's just how it is these days).  If you recall, in last night's midnight report we provided a link to all four "highly classified" articles along with our battle plan.

In all honesty, we really did not know what to expect after our call for support in last night's midnight report.  We took down all the key numbers relating to the "five different links" that we offered up in yesterday's report and this is what we found, which really is a mixed bag, leaving us with awe, wonder, and confusion.

First of all, last night's midnight report, itself, garnered 130 views all by its lonesome.  The two midnight reports before last night had received only 40 views each.  That is over a 200% increase in one day.  We were not expecting that, but then we didn't know what we were expecting either.  Regardless, we take that as a good sign.  We do expect it to drop back down to 40 views again for this midnight report, but we will just have to wait and see, if you know what i mean.

Second, and this we thought was most interesting--the Rebel Force Fighting Battle Plan (RFFBP) picked up 79 new views, taking us up to 179 views from the 100 we had before yesterday.  The RFFBP had plateaued at 100 views shortly after its initial release three weeks ago.  We consider that really significant because our entire "offensive battle plan" is laid on in that.  The more people that know of our offensive battle plan the better, just as long as we can keep its details secret from the opposition.

What was a bit mind boggling, however, was the fact that none of the four articles that the captain wrote seemed to get much "new attention"--like in the range between 15 and 30 new views.  That is hard to make sense of because those links were ahead of the RFFBP, and the RFFBP went up by more than double that amount.  We have our math guys and gals trying to work out the meaning of all of this.


Personally, i think it is good news, but it could have been better news.  You must remember than Talkmarkets' views don't really count for much because no one in Talkmarkets ever does anything with the information that we provide them.

It's the people outside of Talkmarkets that we are trying to get to.  We only need one big name to recognize Globanomics on a nationwide relatively important news or business show.  That's what the captain wants.  Someone with "speaking authority", if you know what i mean.  Someone who can and is willing to talk about how "wonderful the world" could be under globanomic theory.

Captain said that we could quadruple our views from Talkmarkets, but if we don't start reaching people outside of Talkmarkets, we will still be doomed for failure.  When "cap" saw the numbers, he told us to try and get the New York Times to print our Rebel Fighting Force Battle Plan in their Sunday edition.  We don't get the NYTimes Sunday edition usually, but we would find one and buy one if the NYTimes helped us along with our cause.

We haven't seen any reporters or spies sniffing around Headquarters, which is both good and bad.  We are glad about the spies, but a little disappointed that the press has not caught on to our movement yet.  Of course, having everything "cloaked" here at Headquarters will always make it difficult for any one to find us even if they did try and find us.  

So really, folks, that is about all we have to report today.  We are still hoping that some major announcement regarding globanomics will be mentioned on one of the Sunday morning, talking heads' shows.  But that is a longshot, so most of us are simply planning to continue to rest up today so we can be ready to go when the clock strikes midnight tonight.  Get ready, everyone--because we're coming!  Ready or not!

So, until then, we are "over and out" here at Rebel Headquarters, leaving you with a reminder of the first prong in our RFFBP, globanomics.



The reason Globanomics is so important to the Rebel Force is not because our leader wrote the book on Globanomics--far from it.  The reason that this is the first item on our agenda is because it provides a "fucking alternative to the shit that el trumpo is trying to sell to the American people".  Period.

Not only is it an alternative, it is the most "optimal alternative" known to mankind at this point in its development.  And that says something, if you sit down and think about it.  That is why Globanomics is the first initiative on the Rebel Forces agenda.

The Rebel Force believes that Globanomics should be introduced to both the business and international news sectors through mass media outlets (e.g., CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc.) as early as Monday (tomorrow).  There is no reason to go to Fox or Barteroma or whatever her name is.  Those outlets wouldn't be able to comprehend Globanomics.  Globanomics is too fundamentally clean for that ilk to understand.

You can purchase the book called Globanomics from Amazon.com written by the leader of our "freedom fighters" for less than ten dollars.  In fact, you can read Globanomics for free using kindle as a "prime amazon user".  It doesn't matter.  Globanomics is cheap.  

Globanomics offers the world a new way to look at itself--a more friendly, yet still competitive, world where everyone is working for everyone else's benefit.  That's a novel thought, isn't it?   Globanomics proposes the development of a World Federation where "land disputes" are not determined by who has the "most effective weapons at the time" (e.g., Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, always the U.S., etc. etc. etc.).  No instead of war being used to settle such land disputes, Globanomics proposes a World Court (part of the World Federation) to be used to determine "national land disputes".

Good god, how novel of an idea is that?  It's simply the same thing most fucking democratic and free nations use in all their daily dealings.  If you believe your neighbor is infringing on "your land rights" then take them to fucking court.  Don't go over and shoot them with a gun.  You will end up in jail for goodness sake.

What;s the fucking difference, but scale?  Which is the best approach?  Fuck!  Use some common sense for a change!

Globanomics is not a new concept.  In fact, the book Globanomics, was published over three years ago.  People were aware of it, but even the heavy weights thought globanomics was a pipe dream--fox news was where everyone's attention was gravitating.  Besides no one reads books anymore.  Even one that proposes a way towards "world peace", written in layman language, and probably takes less than three hours to get through and develop a basic understanding of its contents.

We are not going to get into the details of Globanomics in this battle plan.  All you need to do right now is to enlighten yourself regarding the principles and theories laid out in Globanomics and the best way to do that is either:

  1. go back through the 2000 posts that our Rebel leader has displayed on the Talkmarkets network; or
  2. buy the fucking book on amazon.com. 

That's the only two ways that you can get to the information that you need to understand what world peace would look like under someone like President John F. Kennedy (who actually knew something about American history, pride, and dedication) versus that which is being proposed by putin's proletariat and ass kisser, el trumpo..  

Before even obtaining your own personal copy of Globanomics go to "you tube" and type in John Kennedy's Peace Speech at American University.  If you watch the video that comes up with that search, you will begin to gain some respect for what it is that we are talking here within.  

If you know what i mean.


Oh, ps.  One of our non-Talkmarkets cohorts wondered if Mitch McConnell was up to the task for impeachment.  Here is how the captain responded to that cohort.

Impeachment is the only quick way to stop a catastrophe.  The question isn't so much whether Mitch is capable (he is), as it is to whether he can drum up enough of the old republican types to do it.  

It only takes about "five House" members and about 40% of the republican senators.  In my mind the House should be easy.  It's the Senate where the questions lie.  And don't forget that our side only needs 40% of the republican Senators, while their side needs 60% of their senators to vote for trump--that 20% more required to acquit compared to that required to impeach the Clown Prince of Mari Largess.

Think about it.  If people knew there was another "alternative" than trumpism, i think they might just want to jump on it while they can.

That's my way of thinking


People Got to Be Free    Globanomics   Impeachment   Control    Perennial Philosophy


Rebel Headquarters     173 Parkway Drive     Littleton, NC


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