Jim Boswell Blog | Rebel Headquarters -- Midnight Report -- Day 24 | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Rebel Headquarters -- Midnight Report -- Day 24

Date: Sunday, March 16, 2025 1:04 AM EDT

This is the midnight report from Rebel Headquarters leading into the twenty-fourth day of our civil war on the United States of America.


We have been thinking lately here at Headquarters that we might be the only ones that are actually in a head-to-head confrontation with el trumpo and his clown show.  Where are the Democrats?  Who is leading the opposition?  Is there any opposition?

What is going on, folks?  We are 24-days now into our effort and we have nothing to show for that effort and we're currently losing to a clown show?  How is that even possible without capitulation?


We think the democrats are waiting for the midterm elections, which are like a zillion days from now.  What they don't know is that they will not win those midterm elections.  The outside party never wins in an authoritarian regime's election.  Or have you not heard that before?

How do you think the authoritarians keep their power?  It's not through force; it is through the ballot box--a rigged ballot box, but just the same, they do call them ballot boxes.  

Oh, but our national elections are sacred, not even el trumpo can rig our national elections.  And January 6, 2021 did not happen.  That day in history was erased from the record books.  That day never existed.

After waiting a zillion days, the democrats, hoping that the people of the United States of America will bail them out for their non-action, will lose again.  And then what?


In war you don't wait for the perfect moment because the perfect moment never comes.  You have to take your shots when you have the advantage and right now you have the advantage.  But if you keep wilting in front of the enemy, he will think you are afraid to confront him.

That's what we don't understand here at Headquarters--this wilting part?  Hasn't anyone ever punched a "bully" in the face before?

But that is not the Democrats nature--to punch and slug.  No, they are the good guys, the pansy asses.  The ones that complain that they have all the good ideas, then don't mention a single one (e.g., globanomics, world peace, benefits of globalization, reducing government fat while letting business fat continue on its merry way, America the Great).

But it's scary to speak up now, Jim.  There might be ramifications for speaking out now.   Muskrat Patel's storm troopers might sweep down upon me and i might simply disappear from the face of the Earth.  What good would that do?

It wouldn't make much difference the way things are going.


No folks, this is not a period for contemplation, it is a period of "civil war".  The civil war that the republicans always wanted.  We might have been forced into the war, but we had no alternative--sitting on our butts when everything is crashing around us just does not seem like the proper action at the moment.

But that is what the democrats are still doing today--sitting on their butts--and we are 24-days into the war.  When was the last time you heard the Democratic spokesperson speak up against the Orange King?

And that is the big problem.  The democrats don't have a spokesperson.  They keep throwing people out there, but no one seems to speak for their entire network of scaredy-cats.  The democrats look shaken and afraid, not because of el trumpo so much, but scared and afraid of their own shadows.

The other side does not have that problem.  Everyone knows who their spokesperson is, and it is not the 27-year old snarky, fox girl that answers questions (using the term "answer" rather loosely in this case) from selected or chosen members of the national press corps and other unpatriotic right-wing social networks.


It's gotten to the point that we don't think we are even going to bother counting days anymore.  Why should we?  Having accomplished nothing up to this point, it's already embarrassing enough.  Why add to our embarrassment?  

Well, as you can see from this report, the mood is rather dour at the moment here in Littleton, NC..  The captain said to include the "impeachment' part of the Rebel Fighting Forces Battle Plan as a reminder that we need to follow through on our plan. 

Impeachment is only one of four major efforts we have going on at one time, so we cannot afford to dilly-dally anymore.  Otherwise, by the time the next election rolls around you won't have a country called the United States of America anymore.  Instead, we will have "el trumpo world"--the Greatest Show on Earth.



The Rebel Force has looked at several different ways to bring down el trumpo and his ilk, and in the end, we always come to the same conclusion--impeachment.

Now we understand that "impeachment" sounds kind of out there considering that the republicans hold both houses of Congress.  But we say, not so fast.  Nixon was disposed with a republican congress, why in the fuck can't el trumpo and j.d. bulldog be impeached with a republican congress.

All it takes is just a "sprinkle of courage".  

So, here is what the Rebel Force proposes.  Lazer focus on Mitch McConnell.  Don't fucking worry about anyone else--just Mitch.  

You say, don't make me laugh.  And again i say back to you, not so fast.  Mitch might be out of his power position, but it does not mean that Mitch still does not have power.  

Without a correction, history will show that Mitch McConnel was "el trumpo's number one enabler and savior".  Mitch McConnel did more to stack the Court in el trumpo's favor and protect him from impeachment more than any other individual on the planet Earth.  Mitch McConnel has bad karma that needs to be fixed before he passes into never neverland, and he knows it. 

So, Mitch McConnel is our target.  Make Mitch play the role of Goldwater to Nixon.  Mitch can drum up the "impeachment support" that is needed in Congress to impeach all the dumbasses that need to be impeached.  No one other than Mitch McConnel could pull it off.  So, it's time to bombard Mitch, we say.  Bombard him with shame.  Bombard him with praise if he does the right thing.  Just fucking bombard him, so that he knows that he has a "major role" to play in fixing the mess that "he, himself is mostly responsible for creating".

It's not rocket science.  Get Mitch to do something right for once in his career.

In addition to Mitch's individual impeachment activities, the Rebel Force believes that an "extremely talented and qualified" group (somewhere in the range from four to eight persons) should be constructed to determine a set of "next moves".  This group would include Mitch McConnel, Chuck Shumer, and both democrat and republican house leaders at a minimum.  (notice the nice mix between youth and experience, republican/democrat--that is also something that you want)   

Now we here at Rebel Headquarters don't know what the Constitution says exactly who replaces who win one leaves office, but we do not care.  We just want the current "clown show" thrown out.  The elephant turds coming from the Administration are already leaving a stench that is going to be hard to clean up.

If it makes sense, that joe blow from the Department of Agriculture is our next President so be it.  At least we can rest assured that he or she or it will be better than el trumpo and j.d. bulldog.  That;is not a bar that is hard to get over.

With a newly chagrined Congress that finally has seen the results of all the "evil conflicts that were blown way out of proportion", maybe we will once again learn to make "reasonable compromises".  This, too, is not a novel concept.  It has worked before in the United States, and it can again.

The Rebel Force does believe that Kamala Harris would be President today, if the people of the United States knew today what they didn't know or believe (being generous in both cases) three months ago.  The Rebel Force would like to see someone in the "oval office" at least of that ilk, regardless from which party the "Senior Select Committee" agrees who should legally fulfill the role of President of the United States of America.

So, impeachment is the second prong to our offense with Mitch McConnel responsible for making amends before he actually leaves the Senate where he served for a very long time.  It would be sad to see all those years were wasted, as they currently are viewed.

We have never really liked or sidled up much to Mitch McConnel here at Rebel Headquarters, but we do still consider him to be an American patriot.  It's just that we think it is time for him to finally prove that to our Freedom Fighting Force.

So, Mitch McConnel and Impeachment represents the second prong of our Rebel attack.


And that is a wrap.  Over and out from Rebel Headquarters.


People Got to Be Free     Globanomics   Impeachment    Control    Perennial Philosophy


Rebel Headquarters    173 Parkway Drive     Littleton, NC

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Tin Man 1 week ago Member's comment
That's some outta da box thinking right there! Hope you get some traction.
Jim Boswell 1 week ago Author's comment
There is not such a thing as "traction" in the Talkmarkets atmosphere. They spray every one of my posts with their anti-traction repellent.