Jim Boswell Blog | Rebel Headquarters -- Midnight Report -- Day 21 | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Rebel Headquarters -- Midnight Report -- Day 21

Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025 12:06 AM EDT

This is the midnight report from Rebel Headquarters as we move ahead on our twenty-first day of our civil war on the United States of America.


And still no one knows who or where we are.  We here at headquarters want to thank the Talkmarkets viewers who are keeping us and our location secret.  The thing is this--we didn't mean for you to keep everything we said secret, too.

We want you to spread the "good news" that we send out, not horde it for just your own benefit.  Personally, we are getting past the point where we think we need to tell you what to do step by step by step. We don't mean to be scolding, but by we feel that you should be showing some initiative on your own behalf without spelling everything out letter by letter by letter.


We managed to get several posts out yesterday, mostly just zingers (sarcasms) that we throw out to try to shake the masses that read (or even get a chance to read) our Headquarters' messages.  

What amuses us is how unaware people are as to what is going on.  We have been telling people for more than a month now to get out of the U.S. Stock Market, yet every day we see people still throwing "new cash" in, for "less cash" in the future.  It's like buying high and selling low.  We think it has to be republicans putting money into the market recently in after to shore it up for their Fat Orange King.

We keep telling people that is the "opportunity of a lifetime" to "time the market" because the market and markets are all going to go down.  We are telling them that the United States will go down first, and then as a result of that, the rest of the world's markets will start going down as well (but not as much).

Holding U.S. stock today is like holding an ice cream cone that is melting faster than you can eat it.  It's a mess.

Everyone got a big laugh yesterday morning, when one of the fighting force said that we should send out twice as many posts as we do.  He was somewhat humiliated when we told him that no one reads our posts, at least no one of any importance, just the people who pay Talkmarkets to read the "words we put out for free--pro bono.."

Maybe that is our problem.  Maybe if Talkmarrkets paid us for our thoughts and genius, we might get more followers.  I don't think the two (i.e., pay, product) correlate, but we do think that after more than 2000 posts that a smidgeon of gratitude and respect would be thrown our way.

But nada, nothing, so we simply continue to strike ahead on our own, always looking over our shoulder, hoping to see someone, anyone, from Talkmarkets following.  The pressure builds up so much at times, we simply have to stop everything we are doing for an "alcoholic beverage".  We try to keep the pressure down, but sometimes there is us nothing that we can do about it.

Our captain thinks we need to start looking for some female recruits, beginning with a young one that knows how to cook something that does not require the use of an "air fryer".  It seems every night it's the same old shit.  Air fried shrimp with air fried potatoes; or air fried clams with air fried potatoes, or air fried chicken nuggets with air fried potatoes, or air fried calamari with air fried potatoes.  Do you see the pattern?

Captain says we need a good stenographer or research assistant of some sort, too.  A perfect candidate would fit both the cooking and the research assistant role at the same time.  And if she (it has to be female) performs her assignments well, we might even give her even more duties outside of those stated specifically in the job description.

Right now, because of severe cutbacks, we can only afford one female assistant.  But that is not so bad.  This way we can check how well the new member coalesces with the troops before further hiring decisions will be made. What's bad is the fact that the female must be attractive, smart, and a great cook, overseeing the canine pens, while making essentially nothing in terms of wages, 

So, let us know, if you know or hear of anyone that you think might fill the bill.    


We are afraid, and we don't quite understand why, but we think this "civil war" might carry on for a lot longer time than we first envisioned.  The Orange King has an amazing array of offensive and defensive weapons that he deploys against, and so far, all we have made to do is get some light body blows in.  

What we need is a good head shot.  A Manhattan Project type shot to the head.  Something called "impeachment".  

People keep telling us that it isn't possible with both Congerssional Chambers being controlled by republicans.  We simply tell them that we still consider republicans to be Americans (stupid Americans, but just the same, Americans).  And for that reason, we still hold out hope that a majority of them would vote for "country over party", and thus serve the people they represent rather than act like sheep being guided to slaughter.

And slaughter is what it is going to be in twenty-months, if nothing is done very, very, soon.

Over and out from Rebel Headquarters


People Got to Be Free     Globanomics    Impeachment    Live Free or Die    Don't Tread on Me


Rebel Headquarters     173 Parkway Drive     Littleton, NC

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