Jim Boswell Blog | "Preserve and Protect" Is the Impeachable Offense | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
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Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

"Preserve and Protect" Is the Impeachable Offense

Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025 11:23 AM EDT

This is an urgent message from Rebel Headquarters, trying to give you a big heads up.


Rebel Headquarters is currently in the process of developing a plan to get both "el trumpo and his boy wonder from ohio" impeached before they continue to embarrass us further in front of the rest of the world--both friend and foe.

El trumpo and his boy wonder from ohio somewhere broke their oaths to "preserve and protect".   It is as simple as that.  You break that oath, and you are fucking out of here.  And their is ten thousand tons of evidence that el trumpo and his clown show have broken their oaths to that which they oathed to--if you know what i mean.


More details and the time schedule will be coming out later today, or at least by the midnight report from Headquarters.  But, be prepared, the plan is to have "el trumpo and his sidekick from somewhere in ohio" impeached by this Tuesday, March 11, 2025 -- prior to the Russia/Ukraine summit in Saudi Arabia.  

So, some of you brainiacs might want to get a head start on this even before our more elaborate plan comes out.  Don't always be waiting for Headquarters.  Start thinking outside of the box a little and "on your own".  Don't get caught up with "no, it cannot be done".  

That's what f*cking el trumpo is counting on.  He is counting on the possibility that more than half of the Congressmen in the U.S. House of Representatives and more than one-third of the Senators in the U.S. Senate are cowards, disloyal to the founding principles of our nation, and choose authoritarianism over democracy.

Rebel Headquarters wants to take that bet.  If we lose that bet, we will surrender.  But if we win, then all of us can take a big sigh of relief and get back to the business of being a great, but respected leader for the world.  If you don't do that we are going to blow things up!

We hear at Rebel Headquarters think you should use Sunday to draw up your impeachment documents, then have your debate and House vote on Monday, then you follow the same in the Senate vote Tuesday.


We would expect that everyone is in agreement as to who the successor is going to be, and that that person (he, she, it, black, brown, yellow, christian, muslim, whatever) would be somewhere near the Congressional Chambers along with the Supreme Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts to swear whomever or whatever that individual happens to be.

Voila.  And the first act of the new President will be to shutdown the current discussions that we have been having with Vladimir Putin.  We also have our inside sources hear at Headquarters.  He is an underground spy informant.  He goes by the name of Marco Rubio, but we like to call him Marco Rubicon, because there are a lot of times we just don't know where he really stands or even what he stands for.


Anything less will not be tolerated.  This clown show must be stopped now.  Today, not tomorrow, if you know what i mean.

So get to it, and make use of this head start that Rebel Headquarters is given you before further plans come out.  Consider AI, if some older documents don't provide you enough to get the impeachment documentation done.

Put it on television.  Let the nation and the world, el trumpo, putin, watch what is going on, and what the "people decide" now that they are seeing what they got.  Let's fix the buyer's remorse problem, so they do not have to be shamed anymore.

We can and are very willing to forgive, we just simply won't forget.  How could we anyway, we lived through it, it's stuck in our fucking brains. 

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Doug Morris 2 weeks ago Member's comment
Impossible. Trump controls both the House and the Senate. There aren't enough votes to impeach.
Jim Boswell 2 weeks ago Author's comment
just watch and see what happens