Jim Boswell Blog | On War--My Opinion | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
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Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

On War--My Opinion

Date: Monday, January 13, 2025 10:17 PM EST

Krishnamurti was asked the following question: "How can we solve our present political chaos and the crisis in the world?  Is there anything an individual can do to stop the impending war?"

Here is how i answered the question.


Before i begin, i want you to know that the subject matter discussed in this series come to me almost at random.  If there is any meaningful order or sequence to the questions i am not sure yet what it is.  Just the same, i am glad the subject at hand has come up when it did--right before the big "el trumpo" gets sworn in "again" as President of the supposedly-great United States.  I simply answer them in the order they come.


I believe the question is how do we solve our present political chaos and the crisis in the world.

Well, that one is easy.  With Globanomics!

Globanomics was specifically designed and developed to solve our present political chaos and the crisis in the world.  Globanomics addresses our international chaos problems from the top down--not the bottom up.  And globanomics cannot even pass Talkmarkets spell checker yet.  Go figure.

Krishnamurti put the blame of "war" and "political chaos" and "crisis" on you and me as much as he did our national leaders.  And Krishnamurti thought it was going to take "you and me" to change our ways if we were going to defeat these enemies to mankind.

Well, maybe so, but as of right now, there seems to be a lot more "me" (1900+ Talkmarkets posts) than "you" in the fight.  Globanomics has been around awhile (more than 3-years ago the book was published, more than that since explained in Talkmarkets).   And guess what, globanomics is the only word that i cannot correct on Talkmarkets' spellchecker for my blogs on globanomics.  Go figure.


No, the solution to world peace is not "you and me".  It is "our national leaders" who have to fix the chaos.  What me and you have to do is tell our leaders what we want them to do.  And we want World Peace and we want it now.

We have fought enough wars throughout history and look where it has got us.  It has gotten us to exactly where we are today.  All the world's lands have been claimed.  There is no more property to ravish, unless you are simply being contrary.

It does not take a scientific genius to see that essentially World Peace could be agreed upon worldwide tomorrow if:

  1. Europe and Russia merged together as one united alliance; and
  2. China/Taiwan/Hong Kong are merged together as one united alliance.

After that, the decisions become much, much easier.  Eight alliances in total in the world.  All working internally, rather than externally, to better the lives of the people within their alliance.

Start there.  Not at the you and me bottom of the stack.  It's not too difficult to comprehend.  Install a World Federation--that will put an end to the type of political chaos and world crisis that you refer.


Within the book called Globanomics (published October 2021) there is a chapter called Globanomics.  And within that chapter all the fundamental principles have been laid out for a World Federation.  In the chapter section dealing with The Elimination of Military War for More Global Beneficial Purposes, i said the following

As a writer, sometimes I find it useful to look up the definition of words I already know the meaning.  The reason I do this is because behind each definition a great deal of effort has been put into defining the word and to keep the word current. 

Now here is the definition of war as I just looked it up on my computer: “a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or within different groups within a nation or state”. 

Now I might look at this definition differently from the reader, but what stands out to me in this definition is the term “armed conflict”.  Continuing on, I looked up the word “armed” and found it to mean: “equipped with or carrying a weapon or weapons”.  The definition of weapon being: “a thing designed or used for bodily harm or physical damage”.  

Okay, so what I am left with is this.  War is designed to do bodily harm and physical damage—neither of which are goals of globanomics.  In fact, war, using the definition given, is antithetical to the globanomics of do no harm, love, and the ethic of reciprocity.  War makes no sense in relation to any of the other core fundamentals of globanomics.  War (military war, that is) does not make any sense if you look at history either.  The final outcome of war is damage, not construction.  In globanomics military war is passe.

With globanomics we intend to change the definition of war, dropping the term “armed” entirely from its definition.  Military war today, with all the weapons of mass destruction in the world, makes absolutely no sense at all for humanity.  China and North Korea can continue firing their new missiles into the air, but that is not the direction of globanomics, nor the direction the rest of the world wants to move.  With globanomics swords will be turned into plowshares.  With globanomics the question as to which nation on Earth has the biggest peashooter will become meaningless because peashooters will become meaningless.

Ask yourself, what have all of the wars in history accomplished?  In the end you will find that the summation of all those wars have brought us to the place in history where we are today, which is at a “T” in the road.  Turn left and we go with “armed conflict”; turn right and we go simply with “conflict” by itself.  There is a big difference between the two.  With globanomics humanity will make the right turn.

Although it may be repetitive in nature, “military war” Is viewed with disdain and contempt in globanomics.  With globanomics the only wars that are fought are ones without weapons (mass destruction or otherwise).  Instead with globanomics wars are fought to resolve conflicts regarding such things as hunger, poverty, disease control, prejudicial hatred, and the misuse of global resources. 


I think i will end there regarding war and my opinion of it.  War is bad.  Destructive not constructive.  And in the year 2025, war makes no sense for the human species (it never did).  When will we ever learn?


ps. i must admit to being a bit more of an optimist than Krishnamurti on war, but that is just me.  I see no other alternative. 

ps2.  I cannot even get my followers to pass the word on Globanomics, and they knew about it before the book was even published.  Go figure.  Krishnamurti and i would agree that most people simply nod their heads in agreement then go along their merry way, doing whatever they were doing before.  And i agree with Krishnamurti that that is a problem that needs to change.  (snore, zzzz's)

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Jim Boswell 1 month ago Author's comment
I did not forget the Middle East. They are an alliance of their own, including Israel and the Arab nations. Get some imagination, for god sakes, either that or go back to scratching your butt. a
Danny Straus 1 month ago Member's comment
You forgot the wars in the Middle East.