Jim Boswell Blog | Nothing Is So Wrong that It Cannot Be Fixed--Globanomics | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Nothing Is So Wrong that It Cannot Be Fixed--Globanomics

Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 4:15 AM EDT

My last few "blogs" have been significant and I hope by now my followers are finally coming to grasp with how great the United States' position in the world  is.   Even when i was dreaming up "globanomics", i knew the United States had to be the leader (or the best of the group) , but i had no idea that the United States would be so dominate when it came down to looking at things.

The question in the back of my mind in relation to the PERC methodology was "how did the United States stay the leader throughout the game" based upon PERC (Performance Evaluation Report Card) methodology.  I kind of brushed it off at the time, but i know now why it should prove true.

And yesterday's data should prove it.

First of all I also presumed in my game of Golopoly that the United States would always know more about the Electronic Global Stockmarket Board than the rest of the world, and that the United States would thus anticipate future next moves better than their counterparts.  That's why i proposed a program for Wharton and told you to have your people look at it too.

But it only has been over the past few months when i started looking at the annual Forbes Global 2000 that things began becoming more clear for me.  When i was given the "market value", "profits", etc. for the largest 2000 companies in the world, it opened up the chance for me to understand the starting point for globanomics a bit better.  As to why i waited ten years to do the analysis makes me wonder what was i thinking about.  I guess i simply lay it to the fact that globanomics was still a dream back then.

What did the data show.  It showed me that the United States was responsible for half the total market value of all global business.  It showed me that the United States is viewed world wide to be the country with the highest expectation for future growth.  It showed me how global money was being spent today, which opened up an entirely new global view of things, and all kinds of ways to shift investment funds to better accommodate the real needs of the future (e.g., continuing to cut down the Finance piece, look at Health Care in greater detail because the United States costly health system thus dominating Health Care figures; the list could go on and on, depending on what level you really want to get to).

Anyway, everything is in place for globanomics now.  And all of my earlier questions regarding the theory have been resolved.  The United States is the best performer, it should always be the best performer, and now it has the mechanisms (e.g., the Electronic Global Stockmarket Board) to monitor the direction that the entire world is turning and stay the best performer (and without losing market share)..

The future, by the way, will be exponential in nature.

Personally, i would say that is a pretty significant finding.  So for all the above reasons, I hope you have been paying attention to my most recent blogs.

p.s.  I am going to follow-up this "blog" with one about Belgium next, dealing with another subject all together.  But it, too, might give you an idea as to how to serve the global community and get some recognition for it.

p.s.s.  It has always befuddled me, why Talkmarkets cannot make any money from their site.  I figured with all the good material on the site that they should be able to draw in more than enough "advertising" dollars to cover expenses.  So it struck me kind of funny yesterday when i looked back at one my past articles and noticed the advertisements next to my articles.  The advertisement come on was the following:  Undiscovered Cannibas Company Soaring Demand for Edibles.  Heck, i would be satisfied if they just let me smoke the cannibas in my state, let alone the country..

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Susan Johnson 4 years ago Member's comment

Why so surprised? I work in the industry and can tell you that advertising rates have plummeted over the last few years. A lot of sites like Seeking Alpha dumped them completely. I'd say this site would be lucky if they pulled in $1k to $5k per month from ads, and the cost to simply host the site is likely more than that.

Jim Boswell 4 years ago Author's comment

First of all i would like to thank you for your nice comment regarding my Price-Earnings blog as referenced by David Marshall in his Talkmarkets article yesterday. That price-earnings thing is rather significant news in terms of world economics and business activity. It also supports my theory which i call globanomics, which you can learn more by googling the term (if you want).

I was caught a little off guard with your comment on this particular blog, however. Not many people see my blogs and i am always surprised when the subject of payment comes up, it tends to get backlash, even of the mildest kind--like yours. The information that i see on Talkmarkets is of the most valuable kind and i just simply do not understand why Talkmarkets cannot make money from it. If not through advertising, then through selling access.

Susan Johnson 4 years ago Member's comment

Many people have no interest in paying for content. That's why people like me go to free sites. And why I just quit Seeking Alpha since they starting charging for access. Meanwhile publishing companies are going bankrupt right and left. It's really not that easy to make money in the media world. Create a blog and try to charge for access or make money on ads, and you'll see what I mean.