Just listened to Richard Haass talk about Navalny's death and what it means to him which in turn, means little to me.
Putin and Russia are not stronger today because of Navalny's death, so i have a hard time getting myself all worked up over the fact that Putin essentially killed Navalny. These things have happened before in Russia, and neither then, nor now, did it make Russia stronger and better.
When Biden and Jinping get together (which is inevitable), Putin and Russia will be a side-player--and both Russia and Putin should be glad they came out of this period as well as they did--that is, aligned with Europe, and without making Putin step down.
Nothing has changed today because of Navalny's death except for the opportunity for "freedom loving American's" to more likely support Ukraine today than they did yesterday. Russia lost ground with Navalny's death, and it is hard for me to see it any other way.
Navalny's death in effect gives President Biden a propaganda tool to use against the likes of "el Trumpo", Lindsey Graham, Teddy Tex Cruz, Marco Rubio, and all the others that have been giving backhand support to Mr. Vladimir "the Man" Putin.
Putin eliminates anyone who is a threat to his power.