Jim Boswell Blog | My Last Word.--Tommy!!! It's Not Going to Be Close! | TalkMarkets
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Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

My Last Word.--Tommy!!! It's Not Going to Be Close!

Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024 5:56 PM EDT

All i have to say is to listen to Tommy and you will know how the end brings him down in the end.  So i say, "It is not even going to be close--The election that is!


Now to understand what i am talking about you probably have to be at least seventy-years or older, but that does not mean it is not the truth.

It was the Who who created Tommy (and i am not even talking about who is on second if you know what i mean--again, you probably need to be seventy-years or older to get the inside joke).


But just the same.  There exists a Tommy Album with the background instrumentation being the London Philharmonic Orchestra and some of the top singers of the sixties, including the main "who" guys.

I think i spent the first six months out of the Navy (i.e., nuclear fleet ballistic missile submarine officer, getting out in 09/1973) back in my little hometown of Culver, IN (pop 1,600) living in a lake cabin with a couple of other outstanding characters on Lake Maxinkukee stoned every night with the lights all turned off just listening to the Tommy Album.

That is how fucking good this particular album (which you can find on youtube by the way--you just have to find the one with two pinballs that look like eyeballs and seeing that it includes the London Philharmonic etc.


Any way the point of what i am saying with my "last word" is this.  In the end the people reject Tommy.  Tommy had called his cult in and Tommy kept telling them that "Pinball Was the Way".  And throughout the entire story of Tommy, it builds and builds until at the end, everything Tommy thought he know was turned 180 degrees upon him.  End the end the cult rejected the falsehood!

And i say that is el trumpo today.  He has called his cult forward, but in the end only the hard core will be left and even those will have to go more underground.


ps.  Earlier this year i introduced my two stepdaughters to the Tommy with the London etc.  From the beginning to the end, i sent them the complete album over about a twelve-day span, breaking it up at logical points, while making sure they knew what was going on.  I remember that is what we would do with anybody that happened to stop over at our cabin on the lake, without the breaks.  We would make sure they knew what was going on.

ps1. I knew that album was special.  Even this year when i introduced it to my stepdaughters.  When even then, i was thinking of "el trumpo" and his pinballs.

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Backyard Hiker 4 months ago Member's comment
Before my time.
Jim Boswell 4 months ago Author's comment

Not really.  Check the deaf, dumb, and blind boy out--he is a pinball wizard!  

And the London Philharmonic etc. are up there with the best--even in today's terms.