It used to be one of my favorite songs back in my younger college-age years.
Well, what is going on?
I saw a headline (not meaning to overstate the meaning) that said the so-called Republicans are not going to given Biden a blank check on Ukraine. Oh, really? I used to believe that "freedom" was worth every price. If you are not going to pay for "freedom", what are you going to be willing to pay for? Now, i know the old republican party would not say such stupid statements, but the "old republican" party have intentionally taped their mouths shut. So what do you do?
I guess the only choice left is to vote "democratic" and make that party at least stand for something!
Now, this is the thing you have to keep in mind with so-called headlines. Sometimes they are not exactly true.
Well, Thanksgiving is over and the time for "spiritual reflection" is coming up all across the world. I always thought this would be the best time to "introduce" globanomics to the world. But so far, nothing, nada, not a thing. Not once have i heard the term "globanomics" spoken in dialogue.
Now i will admit that i do live a somewhat "sheltered" life and i don't get around as much as a lot of other people do, but i would think this "next month" (December 2022) is "globanomics introduced month"--otherwise, i think it really will be time to shut down shop.
Monday, monday.
The GOP has completely lost its way.