I want us both to understand that i see how Talkmarkets has laid out my globanomic theory. For example, the article that comes up when "globanomics" is googled. Another example, the order of the articles that show up when you query "articles".
And i have absolutely no problem with that. In fact, i like what you have done. It shows that you are thinking ahead even faster than me, and i won't criticize what you have done (although i was a little surprised with the PERC choice leading off--but that, too, can make sense).
Anyway, good job there. But, my question now is this? Since you have my articles all laid out in the order that you want, why don't you let people see them now? What is the hold up?
Life is less stressful in the modern world when you understand how stuff works. Article search results are simply most recent to least recent. Google's search results are how close to the beginning of the headline or article the word appears. No bias. No magic.
Exactly right.
Thank you for your insightfulness.