What do these four countries all have in common: (1) United States of America; (2) Russia; (3) China; and (4) Iran?
Think about it a second. What do all of these countries have in common with each other. It's kind of a "riddle" so to speak.
What they all have in common is this: serious civil unrest within each of their boundaries. Pretty serious civil unrest i would say, too.
With the United States the civil unrest is due to a "rag-tag" bunch of disenchants (typically white male--educationally and economically poor supported by a portion of an educated and well off group who does so simply out of loyalty to the brand--even though the brand does not stand for anything). This group of "rag-tags" in the United States (including those that were sent to prison yesterday) want to take down our freedom based government and turn it into one which can be lead by even the dumbest of the dumb (e.g., Donald J. Trump and Herschel Walker). To these people: democracy and freedom don't mean much and sure as to hell isn't worth fighting over.
Now in Russia, China, and Iran you have quite the opposite thing going on. In these countries, it is the more educated and economically well-off people that are disenchanted. The "rag-tag" group of dissidents in Russia, China, and Iran are fighting to gain "freedom". The dissidents in Russia, China, and Iran are like the "freedom fighters" in Ukraine.
Now, if you were a United States citizen and you believed in "freedom", i would become concerned. I do know that a slim majority does show at least some level of concern.
On the other hand, if you were a globanomicist, you would say all is moving right along the way things should (outside of a serious pimple on the butt of the United States). In globanomics, freedom will win out in the end. Freedom is preferred over Subjugation is a founding principle of globanomics.
The truth of the matter is this: world peace is at hand. Biden and his inner-circle know it, but no one else seems to have any sense of what is really going on. And here is what is really going on: the United States is "the" dominant force in the world, regardless as to whether you talk in terms of military capabilities, business, finance, government, science, information technology, etc. etc. etc. Biden and his inner-circle know about this dominance and they are beginning to explain this dominance to its counterparts in Russia and China. The writing is on the wall. And down the line, even Russia, China, and Iran will see the benefits of allowing their citizens a "freedom of choice in all matters".
This takes us to World peace, with the elimination of war in the world. A new world federation, based upon the principles set forth in Globanomics, will then go to work to attack the real issues that we are facing here on Earth, including: (1) Climate control; (2) Disarmament of Weapons of Mass Destruction; and (3) Population control.
I admit I did not solve this riddle.
I am pleased that i tricked you.