Now that i have put my America the Great series to bed, I am trying to decide where to go from here. Because there is an important "election" coming up in November that can affect the overall picture and direction that the United States is moving I wonder if that is where my attention should be placed. On the other hand, regardless of the outcome of the election, globanomics remains my main goal and focus. So, where should i focus my attention and thus the attention of those who read my follies?
I think it is going to be globanomics, folks.
I think most everyone who does follow me at least to some degree knows how i feel about the upcoming election, how i feel about the MAGA crowd, and how important i think it is to continue down the path and direction that President Biden is taking our nation. I think i have ranted about our disgraceful ex-President and his crowd enough. Anyway, what more can i add about the Trumpers that the average, semi-intelligent person who has a lick of sense does not already know? The Trumpers (and Trumpettes) have their heads so far up the big-ass of their golden idol that not much can be done to pull them away. Besides, i doubt if any Trumpers follow my blog to any degree so i think i am already preaching to the crowd (or should i say "the few" or "the seventeen"?).
I know that i will be tempted to stray from my main focus (i.e., globanomics) from time to time, but in all honesty, globanomics is what i am all about. And i don't think that many of my followers really understand that, nor do i think they understand how much better the world would operate if globanomics was implemented globally today.
So, as i move forward, i think i am going to start out with Globanomics 101 (i.e., the basics, the goals and principals of globanomics), then as we move on from there, we are going to take higher classes, involving such things as the National Hierarchy of Needs, the Electronic Global Stock Market Board (EGSB), globanomic analysis, the construction of a new World Federation, etc.
I want my followers to understand what globanomics is and how it is different from current financial and economic theory. I want to build support for globanomics. I want to get people interested enough to read my book called Globanomics (subtitled Love, Freedom and Understanding). I want to start a movement.
And that is what i am really about and moving forward that is where i intend to focus my attention. I hope at least some of you stick around to earn your globanomic degree.
It was a good series, thanks for sharing, I read them all.