If it is too easy,
It may be.
If it is too hard,
It may be.
But what if it isn’t?
Love is the Essence of Globanomic Reality.
The optimal solution
Navigates towards the Center
Which is Love
People and things can beat the Goodness out of you,
But you can “always” get your Goodness back.
You should be where you want to be,
And you are where you are.
Love is greater than one
And flow within Exponential Reality
Is toward ever-expanding goodness
And Love to the nth power.
Regardless of what one might think,
Everyone is enlightened.
(At least to some degree).
One day while lost in thought
I lost a thought
And I wondered where it went.
Later, I discovered
There is no such thing as a thought.
You can measure net worth
A number of ways.
Money is only one.
Love is a Pareto Optimum.
An investment in Love Compounds.
Love lives.
Hate dies.
Some things are too complex
To make simple.
Some things are too simple
To make complex.
Either love
Or think love.
Those are your choices.
The sound that a falling tree makes
When no one is around
Is like the knowledge you gain
Without experience.
Whether you know it or not,
Every moment moves us
Closer to Perfection.
Taking a dabble at poetry? I like it.