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Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Following the Follow Up

Date: Thursday, January 2, 2025 4:10 PM EST

I sent my first January 2025 Best Investment Advice follow-up to my Georgetown lawyer friend just so that she would know that i did so.  


Much to my surprise, my Georgetown lawyer friend, who is proud of her fifteen-year track record managing the funds of a fairly well off old American Family, started to tell me what she had learned over that time period and that was to essentially "hold on for the long haul".

Well, folks, that is good advice.  However, there is a glitch to such advice.  It's like having "inside information".  If you know something that no one else knows then you have a financial advantage over those people who do not know.  That is why such things as "inside trading" is simply bad financial economics.

Let me tell you something else, too.  A moran could have made money off the United States economy the past fifteen years.  I did.  My investment portfolio went from around $120,000 to what it is today at $190,000.  

Now that might make some of you laugh, but understand this.  I live solely on social security and my "investment portfolio".  Last year i made about $12.12 in royalties for all of my writings, including my writings for Talkmarkets.

Think on that for those of you who are afraid of retiring because you don't have enough money to live on the rest of your life.  If you own your home and you can collect social security and you have another $150,000--you can retire.  And you can enjoy the rest of your life, doing the things that you want to do day after day after day.


Moving on.  I could not leave my good Georgetown lawyer friend the last word and this is how i think that i have currently ended our most recent conversation.  It follows:


i do not believe in timing the markets, but i hate to pass on a sure thing.  Right now, i am still in a holding pattern (noticing that the markets really have not changed much since el trumpo got elected.  That's going to change quickly when we find out what we are getting.

Either calm will set in and growth will continue or chaos will happen and all hell will break out.

You can call that "timing" or "political", but i would say it was neither of those.  I would say it makes common sense.


The one thing that i don't think you understand regarding my feeling towards the U.S. Government.  Although i know it can always do better, it is the best the world has to offer.

And el trumpo and his chronies is not where the world wants to invest their euros, yins, pesos, whatever.


ps.  It helps to have a Masters in both Public Administration and Business Administration--both from schools in the "highest order" regarding those disciplines.

ps2.  That does not necessarily make me a financial guru, but it helps.

ps3.  Even if you don't want to take my advice, i would "advise" you to at least tell your client or clients that there are people with a different opinion than your own (and i am not trying to be mean when i say that because i have always respected your professionalism.).

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