Jim Boswell Blog | Follow Up to My Best January 2025 Investment Advice | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
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Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Follow Up to My Best January 2025 Investment Advice

Date: Thursday, January 2, 2025 10:16 AM EST

Beside my rather "small, but elite group" of Talkmarket followers, i also keep a similar sized group (but probably smarter) of friends, family, and colleagues--with all of my "follies".  I find it useful to get different perspectives as a way to get "feedback" on my "follies".

Well, today i got one of those "feedbacks" from my good Georgetown lawyer friend that said:  "Jim, Jim.  Don't do it!"

At first i thought she must think that i was about "to kill myself", but then, it hit me--she must be talking about my January 2025 Best Investment Advice.  What my good old Georgetown lawyer friend was telling me was this:  "Don't follow your own advice!"


Well, we threw a couple of email zingers back and forth, until we realized we needed to calm the tone of the conversation down.

So, what i am going to provide you now, is a further explanation regarding the basis behind "my", but not everyone's, best investment advice January 2025


now that the temperature has cooled down, i will give you my thinking.

Starting out, you cannot let el trumpo have a "do as i say" head of the Defense Department.  The first thing in order would be to use U.S. troops internally here in the United States.  

The Economy will go bust in minutes.

Secondly, internationally, you cannot have some "imbecile lacky" to use as your Senior Security Adviser.  That would be worse then getting advice on Iraq from Dick Cheney.

Boom.  Again, the global economy will go bust.


No, these positions really do matter.  Without the world's belief in the U.S. Government, the whole fucking global economy will start reverting back to like "the covid days".


Call me an alarmist, maybe, but my intuition ever since el trumpo got reelected has been to get out of the markets.  I told myself to be patient because you never know.  But what i am telling you and my other followers now is this.  I am going to follow my own investment advice.  I am satisfied where i am at the moment and i just don't want to take on the "extra risk", which could be substantial. If more than one of the four people i mentioned are confirmed by the esteemed United States Senate, the rest of you can have the "risk" because i am getting out when the getting is good.

And even the above is not specific enough.  Even if one is confirmed, it better be either character 3 or character 4 (with character 4 the better of that poor choice).  Character 3 offers el trumpo his own "SS Troups" along with the "Secret Service".  Oh my.  Who the fuck does that sound like?  Or do your history lessons go back that far? 


ps.  I think i have a good feel on how to monitor the global economy.  I explained it all in my book called Globanomics, which you can purchase at a cost under $10 or ten smackeroos by going to your local Amazon.com store.  Go figure. 

ps2.  You would think that someone with so much financial wisdom would be one of the wealthiest persons in the world.  And he is.  It's just in a different way than most people think.


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