Finally America, we have someone who is getting rid of all of our "dead weight" that has been dragging our nation into the pits--the democrats and all of our old allies. Now that we have thrown that garbage into the trash bin of ancient history, we can get on to the business at hand.
Doesn't it feel great now that our "missile silos" are now directing their attention towards places like Great Britain, Canada, Germany, instead of poor downtrodden Putin and his nation. All of our fleet ballistic missiles submarines are moving to new locations to account this change that Pete Hedgehog has just signed his name to. Our cyber efforts have been similarly recalculated. We're now sharing secrets with a stronger ally that won't let us down like Europe, Canada, and Mexico always were.
If there is one thing we have learned here in America, it is this. You can count on Putin. There is no other leader, outside of "el Trumpo" that is, that is as smart and cunning. With his help, America stands proud. Without his help, America was going down the tubes.
What wisdom our new leader is showing. He's done what no President before him could have done. He has taken the most powerful nation in the world and turned into a "pussy cat" for Putin to pet.
So, now we can go about the business of being prosperous and quit worrying about getting bombed all the time by Russia. No one wanted that. El trumpo saved us from that possibility simply by changing American allegiances.
What a f*cking genius? No wonder the republicans want to put his "ugly f*cking mug" up on Mount Rushmore with four other great, but still inferior, Presidents of the United States of America.
America, you are back, alright! You are backstabbing your friends and neighbors with a smile on your face.
You are no longer a great country or nation. You are sh*t under el Trumpo. You don't have a single moral position on which to stand. You are a failed nation. Your people are stupid. And there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot fix stupid!
The Rebel Fighting Force was so discouraged by what they saw on display last evening in the Congress of the United States of America that we are thinking about pulling up stakes here and moving them over to Ukraine instead.
We would hate to give up our mission here, but if it looks like we are not going to get the support that we need, then we think our assets might be spent better somewhere else.
We'll keep you posted on any decision that we make along those lines. You will be the first to know
The Rebel Force would hate to leave America just as it is becoming Great Again, but like the American stock market, we just don't think it is all that great at the moment--leaving us with no choice other than to get out.
Impeachment, Impeachment, Impeachment
People Got to Be Free Don't Tread on Me Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
ps. We must admit that we did not watch el trumpo's speech last evening. We intended to, but when we heard el trumpo claim victory with his "America is Back!" statement and jubilant republican mass jumped to their fetes in appreciation to their master, we simply had to turn our television feed off here at Headquarters. It was simply too demoralizing to watch for us. Three of our Fighting Force puked their guts out.
Rebel Headquarters 173 Parkway Drive Littleton, NC
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