Jim Boswell Blog | We Are Open For Business - Only Oligarchs Need To Show | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
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Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

We Are Open For Business - Only Oligarchs Need To Show

Date: Friday, March 7, 2025 8:21 AM EDT

If i am not mistaken the parliament of South Korea recently impeached the President of South Korea.

What is it about South Korea that affords them the luxury of removing a "questionable President"   Why can South Korea pull off that stunt, when the U.S. says it is not possible.  What is the difference between the two countries?  Don't they both use somewhat the same parliamentary procedures?



Donald Trump (or el trumpo, as I prefer to call him), has already compromised our national defense network, headed by slick signing any piece of paper that el trumpo puts in front of him, Pete Hegseth, (aka Pete Hedgehog).  We have abandoned allies that we have had for years if not centuries--contrary to the public's desire I might add.  And it is being done now without a vote from that same public.

El trumpo wants to shutdown education in the United States.  He believes teachers are garbage because they don't vote for him.  Makes you wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Is Trump stupid? He certainly is not a genius.  A friend sent me a note that said: "It's almost like the economy is being run by someone who bankrupted four casinos."  How f*cking true is that?  What's in store today?  Are the tariffs on or off?  You can try to play "financial and economic" games all you want (i.e., play with tariffs, pushing crypto, fiddling with the value of the U.S. dollar), but that is just playing around--it has nothing to do with the real economy.

Hell, el trumpos financial and economic advice comes from the likes of snarky Larry Kudlow and self-absorbed Maria Bartaromo of all people.  Go figure.


Have you heard what our current acting president and vice-president off the United States of America told the rest of the world.  They told them that the "el trumpo marketplace is up and running for business". But only billionaire oligopoly types are allowed to enter the marketplace.  That's just the way it is going to be in the era of el trumpo.

America believes it should be every man for himself--women, of course, are not supposed to be themselves.  America believes mite is right.  America believes it is smart to talk like a bully and to carry a big stick.  America no longer considers character as a feature they want in their leaders. 

Scumbags are what America wants these days.  Just look at who we have put in charge of things:

  1. el trumpo and boy wonder from somewhere in ohio--as our President and vice-president;
  2. Marco Rubicon who wets his pants any time the camera is on him anymore.  He doesn't even get to attend discussions about foreign affairs in the el Trumpo White Tower.  It seems the leaders don't quite trust him all the way.  In fact, there is no one in the country right now who trusts Marco Rubicon--on either side, or one way or the other.
  3. Pete Hedgehog, you know the slick guy who was trained by the Fox News Propaganda into believing that Vladimir Zelensky is public enemy number while raising Vladimir Putin up onto his pedestal of corruption and other evil doings.  Hedgehog is our Secretary of Defense!
  4. Bobby, Jr. Jr. Jr.--running our Health Department.  This guy has worms in his head.  He admits it himself.  Come on, folks.
  5. Gabby, (i never can remember her name, but you know who i mean), the head of our national security apparatus is giving free advice to Vladimir Putin on how best to completely take over the sovereign nation that we currently call Ukraine.  It's funny how the Ukrainian missile deal turned out for them.  They gave up their ballistic missiles in order to gain their freedom and sovereignty from Russia.  Now, as it turns out, they have to give up their freedom and sovereignty because they do not have ballistic missiles anymore.  Ironic, isn't it?
  6. McMahon--at Education.  Why not put someone in charge of education in America to someone who has never set foot inside a public school in the United States of America.  Makes sense, doesn't it?  It does if you want to destroy our public educational system.
  7. Muskrat Kash Patel--this guy is somewhat laying low in the bushes, priming himself to strike as soon as el trumpo gives him the go sign.  Muskrat gives one the creeps just by looking at him.  And now el trumpo has given the Muskrat a die-hard supporter to help him whenever needed.

No folks, we don't need to wait for impeachment.  We don't need to wait for el trumpo to declare "martial law" to strike down our Rebel Fighting Force before we impeach the traitor and son-of-a-bitch (please excuse my language).  We already have enough evidence to show that el trumpo is a "traitor to the founding principles of the United States of America". 

El trumpo swore an oath to preserve and protect the United States of America and its Constitution.  He breaks that oath every day he sits in the oval office of the White House on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

And it is a sorry f*cking nation that cannot "impeach a leader" that breaks his sworn oath to the people he is supposed to be serving.  It's the people of the nation that are supposed to be served--not the oligarchs, and least of all Vladimir Putin for goodness sake, crying out loud, 

Impeach, impeach, impeach.  Today, today, today.   Not tomorrow, not tomorrow, not tomorrow.

There i have said it all three times and now i am going to "click my heals", if you know what i mean.

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The U.S. Has Lost Its Way - And We Will Pay
Freedom Vs. Authoritarianism - A Treatise Reviewed

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Frank Underwood 1 week ago Member's comment
America does have a process to impeach presidents too. But there needs to be grounds for it. Trump has done many bad things and many questionable things, but he hasn't done anything illegal.
Jim Boswell 1 week ago Author's comment
You must be shitting me. Whose ass do you have your head up, Frank.
Dick Kaplan 1 week ago Member's comment
The reason South Korea can impeach and we can't is because Trump controls both the Senate and the House. Plus, the Supreme Court gave Trump impunity which eliminates most grounds for dismissal. But who can we blame but ourselves? Trump got the votes. The majority of Americans wanted him to be president over someone else.
Trinity Sinclair 1 week ago Member's comment
If Trump wasn't impeached after Jan 6th, he never will be.