Recently i received a thoughtful comment regarding my blog (Freedom versus Authoritarianism) that questioned globanomics for its comparison of Hitler and Trump and putting the two in the same basket. It made be take pause--at least for a while. Here was the comment i received regarding that blog.
"While I'm loathe to compare Trump to Hitler since Hitler killed millions, Trump's rise to power was eerily similar. And he seems to model his entire PR campaign on Hitler's."
Now here is my response.
Your comment made me take pause and reconsider globanomics' position regarding Hitler and Trump. And even though the pause has been short (less than 24 hours), i think globanomics must stick with its position.
Most of the damage Hitler did took place more than four-years after he took control of the German government. In other words, total control takes time. Would Donald Trump have used the U.S. Government to kill millions? I hope we never have to find out. I do know, however, that a second term of Trump would have meant that the entire Executive Branch, including the Department of Defense, would have been politicized and completely under the control of Trump in a fascist manner.
We have learned in the past few days that Trump was already trying to get the Defense Department to operate politically. Trump even wanted his generals to operate like Hitler's--his words, not mine. We also have learned recently how Trump revamped the Secret Service (ironically, the SS). And let's never forget the "Stand Back and Stand By" statement to his underground right-wing henchmen.
Finally, Trump may not have killed millions, but globanomics still holds him responsible for the politicization of the coronavirus vaccine, which did in fact result in the unnecessary death of thousands.
Further, but not part of my response.
Just because Trump was unable to fully implement his racist agenda, we must not be afraid to call it out for what it was and is. The silence of a large sector of the German population who feared the repercussion of speaking out against Hitler, gave Hitler the power that he craved. The United States is currently in civil war territory where there is clearly a side that wants fascism power over democracy, and this is no time for the democracy side to stand on the sidelines, be quiet, or worry about overstating its concern.
General Miley recently compared Trump to Hitler in many ways. And yes, he was the one who claimed Trump said he wished his generals were more like the Nazi generals from WWII. Quite shocking..
My latest blog explains my obsession with Trump--it might help you understand from where i am coming.
Unfortunately, the FBI raid seems to have only given Trump a boost among his base and helped to unify the GOP around him. It also knocked Biden's string of recent successes off the top headlines.
Thanks for putting so much thought into my comment - if I had known that woudl be the case, I would have put more thought into writing it! But I stand by what I said. Trump seems to be taking pages right out of Hitler's playbook and it terrifies me. I think this piece you wrote hits the nail on the head.
My latest blog explains my obsession with Trump--it might help you understand from where i am coming.
If he wins another term, two things will happen - he will put only yes men and pyschopants in power that will do his bidding, just as Hitler's did. And without needing to worry about a third term, he will be far more bold in tearing apart our democracy.
Or even more likely, he will find a way to stay in power beyond a 3rd term. I for one believe he belongs in jail, and I hope that happens so he can't run again. But I also fear the response from his personal army of minions and cult-like followers will make January 6th look like a birthday celebration.
My latest blog explains my obsession with Trump--it might help you understand from where i am coming.