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Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

The Reason Donald J. Trump Is Such A Genius

Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025 8:43 AM EDT

El trumpo is a visionary, like no other visionary before him.  He is able to see things in a way that nobody else can even begin to envision other than him.  That's his advantage over all the rest of us ignorant folks.

El trumpo saw that if the United States would partner with Russia that no one would have a chance against us.  Our combined nuclear weaponry guarantees victory.  In fact, if we wanted to, we could start a nuclear war and actually win the nuclear war.

China and Europe would not stand a chance.  China's weapons are essentially useless.  Europe just doesn't have enough to target both Russia and the United States at the same time.  Hell, just for icing on the cake, el trumpo is also siding with North Korea.  There is no getting around it.

El trumpo is a genius.  One of a kind.  You could almost call him the Second Coming.  In fact, many American evangelicals actually do believe el trumpo is the Second Coming.  Melania is his Mary Magdelin--she fits the profile, so well, except for not having any class or sense of morality.   

Just ask yourself.  Why didn't anyone think about this before?  Why didn't Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden do it when they had the chance?

Because none of them were visionaries like the el trumpo!  El trumpo is a f*cking genius extraordinaire.  None of those previous men mentioned could even begin to wear the pants of "el trumpo" because they would be too big for them.


Think how good things can be now that we have "world peace" guaranteed to us by Vladimir Putin and el trumpo (note who gets capitalized and who does not).  

World peace--something generation after generation has dreamed about with futility.  And to think that all we had to do was let el trumpo have his way and we would get there.  Why didn't we listen to him during his first term.  We wouldn't have had to put up with that sorry, sleepy Joe Biden for four years.

Hell, Biden was making it difficult for Putin to get his way.  El trumpo changed that on day one, and voila--World Peace--authoritarian style.  

Go fucking figure.

We could destroy Europe and China before they even knew what him--and they know it, too.  With Putin's help everything is possible.

Now El trumpo can carry out the rest of his plan, which is to follow the economic path of Russia with a genius dictator ruling over a bunch of oligarchs.  


We probably should not give el trumpo all the credit.  The American people should get most of it.  They actually saw the genius characteristics he demonstrated (i.e., bullishness, turning ignorance into understanding, lying about everything so no one knows the truth, selfishness, pride, self-consciousness, etc. etc. etc--there are hundreds more).

Why it took us so long for America to come up with a leader like el trumpo will be debated for years ahead.  But the only thing that the historians will be able to come up with is that it took was the American population's shift from total ignorance to total enlightenment under the guidance of el trumpo.

That's all it took, folks.  El trumpo has all the answers.  Now you can go back to sleep and rest easy for once in your lifetime.

Praise to our Orange Man, the greatest leader of the eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century.  Or at least as far back as records go.  

America is finally Great.  Greater than it has ever been before.  It's just a smidgeon less great than Russia, however, because they have even a greater leader with Vladimir Putin.  Even el trumpo would agree with that!

More By This Author:

The U.S. Has Lost Its Way - And We Will Pay
Freedom Vs. Authoritarianism - A Treatise Reviewed
Putin's War Against the World

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Danny Straus 3 weeks ago Member's comment
But China is allied with Russia, not the US. Why would Russia turn it's back on a fellow stable tryanical power such as China, to ally with America who's leader could drop dead of old age at any minute, or at most will have reached his term limit in less than 4 years from now?////////////
Jim Boswell 3 weeks ago Author's comment
Why is everyone so stupid. Why in the fuck do you think Putin is catering up to el trumpo? He needs el trumpo to "rule the world". Hell, Xi cannot give that to him. Wake up! Get outside of your fucking box called Fox Propaganda News.
Danny Straus 3 weeks ago Member's comment
If you are going to be an a@@hole to everyone, and insult those who take the time to read your content and comments, than you are someone I'd rather not bother with. Unfollowed and blocked.