Like i said a couple of days ago--history is taking place in front of our eyes on a daily basis--and it looks like we are heading for either Cold War II or World War III. Never in my lifetime did i think we would get to this stage again. Have we not learned anything? Anything from our world history?
God damn it! There is a third alternative that no one seems to be considering. And what is that third alternative?
It's called "globanomics", you fools, with a World Federation governing body!
Oh, Jim--here you go again with your pipe dream. Haven't you been paying attention? Russia or China won't have anything to do with globanomics because it gives too much power to the "free world" and especially the "United States of America". Haven't you been reading Xi Jinping's recent memoranda? China already feels boxed in and globanomics would box them in on a permanent basis.
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit! Globanomics does not box anyone in! Never did and it never will. Globanomics is exponential in nature--always was and always will be. Besides, what is more important anyway--world prestige or world growth? False bravado gets you nowhere, Mr. Jinping and Mr. Putin. Or have you not read your history books?
Wake up, Russia and China. The world does not want or need either Cold War II or World War III. The world wants peace and solutions to its problems.
"But that is what we are trying to do with our Nine-point plan," says Xi. "Did you not get Vladimir's and my plan and solutions for the future?"
"In fact, we did", says the free world. "And the problem is this. It includes "land grabbing" at the expense of people that don't want to give up their land for your imperial dreams of world leadership and domination. In what kind of peaceful world does something like that make sense? Whose land is the "free world" trying to grab? Answer that question, then we can talk more about your role in that world."
"Uh, oh, uh--what about Iraq? Look what the United States tried to do there. You might not call that "land grabbing", but the United States was uninvited and they sure tried to do their best to take over that country. That was only twenty-years ago. And now you want us to put our trust in them. No, thank you!"
"Uh, oh, uh--you may have a point on that one."
"Iraq hardly defines the history of the United States. Iraq was the result of misguided decisions resulting from an unwarranted attack on its homeland. The United States does not have a history of taking the land of sovereign nations."
"Hmmph", Xi replied smiling.
"Look, Mr. Jinping, let's put aside Iraq and let me ask you this question. Would China be better off today with or without the United States? Who, more than the United States has helped China over the past half century (from the 1970s to the present)? Name another country that has helped China more than the United States. Just one."
"Hmmmph", Xi replied again, this time not smiling. After a long pause, he said, "They only helped us for their own benefit and now that they have gotten what they want, they want to box us in from growing any further."
"For their own benefit? I would say it was for the "world's benefit" with most of that "benefit" coming to China, itself. In fact, what the United States did for China could be called globanomics 101--an economic globalistic action that benefited everyone without harm being done. And now, you want to turn that help upside down and change globanomic theory. I am sorry, Xi, but you are simply not in a position to do that."
"Hmmmph," Xi responded once again, then came back with his kicker. "Well, that has yet to be determined. Let's at least wait to see what happens in America in 2024. Talk about a country in turmoil. The United States doesn't seem to be all that "united" to me. In fact, from what i hear, about half of that country thinks my buddy, Vladimir, and i have the best plan for the future of the world."
Cold War II has started, folks.
ps. And the royalties for "Globanomics" totaled $8.47 last month (i.e., about four books). Go figure.
Though in reality, globanomics may not box China in, perceptions matter and they'll likely think it does. They want total control.
They will never get control. They don't have the cards. In fact, they have about the "third" or "fourth" best hand. Yet, they keep throwing their "chips" in to make the pot bigger and that is a way to "lose everything you have".